October 25, 1937. My, Daniel J, Barrett, 10 fim Street, — Dear Coach barrett: I am very happy to have your letter of the 20th instant. tt is an added joy to know that you have had more than average success with your team, : The elimination of the center tip is a nation wide rule, both in college and high school, Doubtless you take "The Scholastic Coach". In the Oeteber issue of this year Mr, H, V, Porter, secretary _ of the Illinois High School Athletie Association, gives @ very comprehensive review. I would suggest that you get this issue as it is very helpful. ‘The editors are Qwen Reed and Jack maveer te and the address is 250 &, 43rd Street, New York City. | By the way, 1 have written a new book which I think is much better than "My Basketball Bible". | It is called “Better Basketba]], Incorporating Technique, Tactics and Tales", I am sending you a short description - aes so if you are interested you will know more about it. } Wishing you continued success, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education,