Epis Ni a ea kg ear alae woe a . 7 -— = eerste ROS ty ERR RS Ie IRE HPO ER CN Re AEE: FE gta SA SRATNEN Se ERE FA EN OAS OS CATA RAS ATT OR SBE LTE PRE TYRE PI GE TT ISSR OTL SED esr { vt Ms og i ea ae eke ae igi pea a Stl ae Ear ay enrages Pe Ge, pe aC SRR fe BN A fs reas ge OO ieee 4 Hyer “Ray S. Pierson, |’23, President Frep ELtswortH, ’22, Secretary Luoyp H. RuprentTHAL, ’23, l’25, Vice-President Burlington, Kansas Alumni Office, Lawrence, Kansas McPherson, Kansas ‘ (ee cette ot ae ALUMNI ASSOCIATION of the UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS 4 PUBLISHER OF THE GRADUATE MAGAZINE =| HEADQUARTERS — Room 2 FRANK Stronc Haty ‘ LAWRENCE, KANSAS é December ll, 1942 Dre F. C. Allen ( 105 Robinson 4 Campus To the Members of the Board of Directors of the University of Kansas Memorial Corporation: i SS tees Greetings}! The meeting of this Board is called for Saturday, December 19, 1942, at 11:00 a.m., Pine Room, Memorial Union Building. This is in conformity with the constitutional by-laws as revised December 14, 1940. Business of the meeting will include presentation of the annual report by the chairman of the operating committee and ; election of officers and members to fill vacancies. 4 After the meeting adjournment for lunch in the English Roome Cordially, FE:jr Pi it Encl. DIRECTORS Frank L. Carson, ’13, First Nat'l Bank, Wichita Dotrx Simons, ’25, Journal-World, Lawrence Joanna GLEED Wacstarf, fa’21, 1730 Indiana, Lawrence CxiareENcE L. Burt, e’09, Hutchinson Barour S. JEFFREY, ’28, Nat'l Bank of Topeka Bldg., Topeka W. T. Grant, fs’o5, Business Men’s Assurance Co., Kansas City, Mo. Harzanp B. Hutcuuncs, |’16, 1207 Grand, Kansas City, Mo. Oscar S. StaurFER, fs’12, Topeka State Journal, Topeka Huco T. WeEDELL, ’15, l’20,Supreme Court, Topeka Bertua Lucxan McCoy, ’og, 1315 Rural, Emporia Active Membership, with Graduate Magazine Subscription, $3 Annually. Life Membership, $60 Single Payment or 10 Installments of $7.50. is +