H. R. GODFRIAUX HEAD COACH FOOTBALL BASKETBALL R. E. BOWLES ATHLETIC DIRECTOR DIRECTOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION 196 = s Dre FY. C. Allen, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen:- We have been trying to arrive at a a@¢¢i1s10n here at William Jewell as to Some course in practical physical education for our summer school students that would be in line with the wishes of the committee On the physical education program of our National Defense, ere you offering such a course at K. U. Dre Alien and if so will you please tell the nature of the work you are doing. Miss Wisler is getting along nicely in her girls physical education here. Congratulatio Ss on your fine record in basket ball = this year. I will thank you for any information you Gan give me on the above mentioned program With best wishes, I am Very truly yours ihe Bowl es Willian Jewell College 1849 The William Jewell College Centennial Program 1949