ESQUIRE, Magazine for Men, Chicago, Tllinois. Dear Sirs: . This will acknowledge receipt of your postoard concerning compulsory physical training for civilians. I would vote for guch | training for ell citizens. As director of physical education at the University of Kansas we have worked out a program of compulsory physical education for all men students. | | a a Secs ts sc Ok ete ee We C1 tn ee ee be arranged in the evenings for this progran. . Of course I am well acquainted with ¢ Wilson, as dee and Bill Spaulding, and am #hinking along ‘fame groove with then. The first thing these fat athletic directors should do is get in condition themselves before telling others what to do. I am not boasting, but I am in condition. Maybe this thought isn’t mentioned in the Eaquire article, but it should be. Sinserely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.