SPORTING) GOODS; EXCLUSIVELY 1508-10 GRAND AVENUE PHONE GRAND 1910 KANSAS Crry, Mo. 8-6-4353 Mr. Forrest C. Ajlen c/o Dept. of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Your letter of the 4th , wish to say that the shoes and socks arebeing shipped to you today. Delighted to learn that you were going to play golf with Tae at Mission Hills and am sorry that I camot join you because I have given up the game of golf. Hope you have a fine game and enjoy the day. JRE-r “It Pays to Play” I SPORTING) GOODS) EXCLUSIVELY: SSS 5 SSS SSS SSS] SS SS SSS | 1508-10 GRAND AVENUE PHONE GRAND 1910 KANSAS Crry, Mo. Aug. 3, 1943 Dr. Forest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Physical Education Department, Lawrence, Kans. Dear Phogs Taft mailed us in an order today including 2 gross of No.22GS Sweat Socks, and 24 pair of No.9080 Converse Black Canvas Basket- ball shoes. The sizes shat were specified on Taft's morencum order to us were 6 only as, 6 only 9, and 12 only 93. Now this is what we are up against Phog. We have in stock at present in this number in a shoe 4 size 8, 7 size 85, 7 size 9, 5 size 95, and 1 size 12. Now that makes a total of 24 pair and if you could use that 24 pair we will be glad to let you have them and pending your reply we have set that 24 pair aside. In this connection, I wish to say that we are doubtful when and if we are going to get any more of this number in a shoe, due to the fact that the factory is unable to furnish then. They are giving us a few of their No.9090, which is a leather top shoe, but we have had no canvas shoes from them for several months - and it looks as though their entire production is taken up for the army and navy. Please let me know what to do about these 24 pair of shoes as in case you cannot use them or all of them, that will release them for some other purchaser. Incidentally Taft says that you may be down Sunday to play a hittle golf with him, and I have told Taft to be sure and take you over to Mission Hills as the course is in good shape and I feel sure you would enjoy a game there. Awaiting your reply in reference to the shoes, remain. JRE.A Page # 2 P.S. By the way if these sizes as outlined do not suit, we could give you what youvwant of the No.9080, out of the sizes we have out= lined, and we have a pretty full run of sizes, in the No.9090 Converse Leather Top Basketball Shoe, and of course that shoe costs $1.00 more, : viz $5.50. August 4, 1943. i ley Ho 33 i iil your letter of ned the 24 aun: Very cordially yours, / Director of Physical Hducation, Varsity Basketball Coach. it : ree i a. ern ahi, i Lai ee i af a Bee a ee GOODS; EXGLUSINELY 1508-10 GRAND AVENUE SPORTING) PHONE GRAND 1910 KANSAS Crry,Mo. July 27, 1943 Dr-Forrest C.Allen, Department of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Dear Phog: Answering your letter of July 23rd, I wish to say that I have searched our files for a sample piece of that flannel wrestling mat cover material and somebody must have taken it out because we haven't got a sample in the place, This mat cover is made for us by an eastern factory, and we have sold many of them to the army and mvy as well as schools and colleges, However, I appreciate the fact that you would like to see the weight of the material and we are air mailing our factory today asking them to send us a small piece of the material by return air mail, and I will forward this piece of material to you immediately on receipt of same, We should get it by the end of the week or the first of next week at latest. Thanking you forwriting, remain. Yours sincerely, R. S. ELLIOTT ARMS CoO. JRE.a “It Pays to Play” —— : = Pee GRAND 1910 KANSAS Crry, Mo. July 28, 1943 Dr. Forest C.Allen, Physical Education Department, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Dear Phog: Taft Talbot returned today with that football shoe order, for which I want to thank you very much and I know the football department will be well pleased with those shoe§$, Incidentally he said that you would be interested in a quantity of shoes for the Physical Education Program of the Army and on Monday he will be over at Lawrence show you a sample pair of these shoes. Frankly this shoe is not up to pre-war standards, because it has a Victory Rubber Sole, but Talbot has sold hundreds of pairs of these to the various army camps, and they are about the best substitute thatwe have to offer. Incidentally he says that you might be interested in some of our No.22GS Sweat Socks, which you have used for many years. Now ordinarily we are not taking orders from the Army Camp for sweat socks at this time, because our stock is greatly depleted but as I recall it you used possibly about 3 gross of pairs and what stock we have left we are holding as long as possible for such old customers as KU has been so that we can supply them with a good sock. Taft when he comes up to see you Monday will talk to you about these socks, because we do want KU to have some of our _ sweat socks as they have bought them in the past. JRE.S& “It Pays to Play” PTT Fae de SPACE FOR WRITING MESSAGES 10510 A Ce ND i maha July 10, 1943. Mr. Je R. Elliott, Elliott Arms Co., 1508 Grand Aveo, Kansas City, Moe Dear Jack: Thank you very much for your prompt reply to our inquiry concerning ping peng balle. We, of course, realize the demani on these balls, and are sorry that you cannot supply us. I am enclosing a quotation sheet on teble tennis nets and paddles. Will you kindly return this to us at your convenience? Thanking you for your courtesy, T an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, July 2, 1943. R. S&S. Elliott Arms Co., 1508 Grand Aveo, Kengas City, Mo. 7 Dear Sirsa: I am wondering if it is still possible to buy ping pong balls. One of our Univerai ty organizations has asked us to secure three gross, - and we told them we had experienced some difficulty a —— order for us? Sincerely yours, | : Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Baskethali Coach. duly 1, 1943. Major E. R. Elbel, Headquarters, 2nd Dist., army Air Forces Poeaions Training Command, 455 Lake AV@e,y St. Louis, Mo. Dear Eddie: I just learned the good news of your well deserved promotion and I em writing to congratulate you on the same. I am getting out another Jayhawk Rebounds letter and will mail it to you when we heve it finished. We are including your address so that any of the boys who wish to may communicate with you. | The V-12 boys are rolling in today for their examinations and the College will enroll their youngsters on duly 5. i think we are going to have a pretty good bunch here. We have brought Ray Kenehl in for the duration Rest High in Wichita. He bought a home at 824 Arkansas. He had three houses in Wichita, sold one of them, and bought one heres He is a fine chap, as you know. This makes our set-up now Henry 2 Reg Strait, and Ray Kenehl. Yes, and by the way, we heave Dean Nesmith back with us since we got his release from the Olathe Naval Base. —— 8:50 and 9:50 classes evory mornings. ioe Sis ens ie Ml eee Hern oe track, I have moved back in to the office where Dr. Naismith was i and Dean exe out in front. We ees us Seek ecnletena,. of course, Henry will doubtless move into Gwinn Nenry's front office when football season starts. trust everything 4s going well with. yous With « eindea’ yegerds, T en Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, ‘PCALAH | Varsity Basketball coach. July 15, 1943. Director of Physical Education, FCA: All Varsity Basketball Coach. NAVIGATOR - a S y) U. S. ARMY AIR CORPS ELLINGTON FIELD, TEXAS CO etl Tey SF get ee eS ee OF fe np itoe a aes Ree, . eek ALUMNI ASSOCIATION of the UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PUBLISHER OF THE GRADUATE MAGAZINE HeapouarTers — Room 2 Frank Strone Haiti LAWRENCE, KANSAS May 12, 1943 Dr. F. C. Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Dear Fog: Here's the revised story. Let us know if there are other corrections. Your letter to the boys in the service is splendid. Please send us any others like this that you get out. Cordially, Secretary FE:1lb DIRECTORS Frank L. Carson, ’13, First Nat'l Bank, Wichita Dotps Simons, ’25, Journal-World, Lawrence Joanna GLeED Wacstarr, fa’21, 1730 Indiana, Lawrence CrareEnce L. Burt, e’og, Hutchinson Baxroor S. Jerrrey, ’28, Nat'l Bank of Topeka Bldg., Topeka W. T. Grant, fs’05, Business Men’s Assurance Co., Kansas City, Mo. Harzanp B. Hutcuincs, |’16, 1207 Grand, Kansas City, Mo. Oscar S. StauFFER, fs’12, Topeka State Journal, Topeka Huco T. WeDELL, ’15, I’20,Supreme Court, Topeka Berrua Lucxan McCoy, ’og, 1315 Rural, Emporia Active Membership, with Graduate Magazine Subscription, $3 Annually. Life Membership, $60 Single Payment or 10 Installments of $: May 13, 1945. @ lr. Je Ke Elliott, R. S&S. Blliott Arms Co., 1508 Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Dear Jack: I have your letter of May 12th, and an haven’ Gh the signed certificate to hasten the delivery of the climbing ropes for the gymmasiun. Thanking you, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Rducation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Enc. : a | i I wu cn | " f = Sas SS Se % q Zz [@ ® } © ® i it i ( ; EXGLUSIMELY; i | 1508-10 GRAND AVENUE PHONE GRAND 1911 KANSAS Crry, Mo. May 12, 1943 University of Kansas, Physical Education Department, Lawrence, Kansas. Gentlemens On April 17th, you sent us your order No.3359 covering one ‘dozen No.555 Tennis Nets, and four No.87M Medart Climbing Ropes. The tennis nets were shipped to you sometime ago, but as yet we have been unable to obtain the Medart Climbing Ropes, The reason is that the factory has had to hold this order pending a decision by the Wer Production Board as to whether or not Gymnasium equipment could be manufactured for delivery to schools. The War Production Board has now stated that it would be possible to manufacture this appartus for delivery to schools, providing they were carrying on @ program of physical fitness, as appreved by the U.S.Office of Education. Therefore, we are enclosing herewith a mimeographed certificate which states that such is the case, If you will sign this certificate and return it to us in the enclosed self addressed stamped envelope we will forward it on to the factory and they state that they will then be in position to complete this order. Incidentally, we have not as yet billed you with the tennis nets, aS we assumed it was necessary to holdiwp billing until delivery of all items had been completed. We sincerely regret the very long delay on these climbing ropes, but evidently itwas due to conditions beyond the factory's control. 7 Yours very truly, R. S. BLLIOTT ARMS CO. JME.a “It Pays to Play” Order No. < Date -_= The undersigned certifies that the gymnasium equip- ment covered by this pPrder is required to carry on a program of Physica}\Fitness, through Physical Education for the Vigtory Corps, as approved by the U. S. Office of Ed Name of Signature City _State Mr. Norman Edmonds, 621 East 15th St., Lawrence, Kengase Dear Normen end Wanda: I want you to know how mich we enjoyed you and Wenda at the Rotary party the other night. This is just a line to tell you that we are happy indeed to welcome you in Rotary. With all good wishes to you both, I am Rotarily yours, | Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. May 11, 1945. “re Fred Ellsworth, Secretary, Alumni Associa ti on. Dear Pred: I just wanted you to see what we sent out to the boys in the service. You will notice thet we incor- porated your entire Graduate Magazine story on basketball. I thought it was very clever, and I know that the boys will thoroughly enjoy a resume of the season. Bincerely yours, : Directer of Physical Education, PCA :AH i Varsity Basketball Coach. April 29, 1943. Mr. W. C. Epperson, 408 West 6th Street, Jumotion City, Kansas. Dear Mr. Upperson: Under separate cover I am sending you a copy of The Sporting News, carrying their All-American basket- ball selection. Since Charlie Black is in this group I thought you would be interested in the paper. Very cordially yours, Direstor of Physical Biucation, Varsity Basketball Goach. Mey 3, 1943. iiss Betty Bimarda, ee Dedge City, Kansas. Deay Miss Edwards: Dr. Lawrence Woodruff, the Registrar, has told = — of your interest in Physical Education as your major when you come to the University of Kansas. X am enclosing a bulletin setting forth the course Se es a a ae you have any tions I would be glad to have you write to Miss Hoover, who is in sharge of the — wouen's division, or to myself. It will be a pleasure to hear from you. Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Hducation, POA: All Varsity Basketball C cach. Eno. Mareh Sl, 1943. Student officer Howard Englenan, U.S.NRN.T.8., Billet 33-37, Sth Bat., University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. ‘Dear Rope* Mrs. Allen and I enjoyed your postcard, and trust that you have reseived your cormission ty this time. Bob is spending this week with us at home, and we are enjoy- ing his visit immensely. Hope things are going well with you, Howard. Lots of good luck. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketbell Coach. ic, it: ba ey ¥ es ISTRIBUTED BY J. R- WILLIS, BOX 665, ALBUQUERQL . e ‘ la , s. ee Pender Gen. Crook during hig 1ained in service with the pay 4 utenant.until 1908. His hogan (mi 5 ri Pi Sin + TSO (Big fat man) band of famous Navajg ign against the notorious renegade & pa Indian Chief Geronimo and his followérs. Ah saimaseesssace | oo 8 Hoa Oovo! . P | JUST JOINED U IN EVERY PORT ? A GIRL po ae Ba et See a a. THIS SPACE FOR WRITING MESSAGES 2 ~ z UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI COLUMBIA INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Dr, 2 Gs Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. Dear Dr. Allen: It is not necessary for Mr. Davidson to submit the Big Six basketball review to me. You may instruct him to send the article and the Kansas team Picture direct to Oswald Tower. Thanks so much for seeing that this work is to be done. Yours truly, George Edwards.