It is not known. how-the name gradually became applied to all residents. of- Kansas. Perhaps it was because Kansas was nationally known as the center of disturbance and jay- hawk became a nationally. known byword. Probably Jennison’s band of fighters and free- booters, followed historically by Jennison’s “Jayhawk regiment” in the, Civil war had something to do with causing the name to adhere to Kansas. But Kansas accepted the totemic appellation with good grace and every loyal Kansan is proud to be a member of the Clan-Kansas that now stands for nobler things than “jayhawking.” The “Jay- hawk” myth has become a spirit of progress and power. Gone has the spirit of robber birds; gone the reckless spirit of the law and disorder bands of the stress and storm period. Only the spirit of comradeship and the courageous fighting qualities to make and keep Kansas free, remain. The spirit of the modern Jayhawk is to make Kansas great and strong and noble in good’deeds. It is a be- nevolent spirit.* - - Kansas University seized the word as a shibboleth and attached it to the earth with “tock chalk” and brought out the K.U. yell, the greatest lung developer of all times. It is the voice of the clan. It is a call to courage and the fighting spirit; but more it is a call to comradeship, truth, learning and right- eousness. The artists have tried to express the mythi- cal bird in clever totemic designs, which range