Dre John A. Billingsley, Huron ee eae ea, ; Konsas City, Tenses. Bear Drs $1 ingsteys Freddic Sosilevas came in this morning with your two — Reley tickets and with a meseage that you desired seven good seats for the Zaneas Stete game and eight. for the “issouri gamoe i passed this order on. to Bre Varl Palkenstien, our financial secretary. Waturally it would go to Gwinn Henry, my successor, but since Barl handles the tickets I felt it ake & needless detail and turned your order over to him with instruc» “iene to give you the very beet pousible. I know he will be mapyy te Co Shits I m terribly sorry about Freddie's noses I understand — ‘that you were down to lock it over. Fron the odor this morning i an sure there must be some submucous irritation or infections Preddie doesn't look very well. I hope he staps cut of it scon end is i... eee Of EAE Pie Paty Sect power. That was e magnificent fctory = thet 13 te 13 ties With kindest regards to. the Billingsleys, I am a Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education.