INC. — SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT TOPEKA, KANSAS (Exclusive Distributors for the Peabody Seating Company) PHONE 8549 February 18, 1942 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas Athletic Ass'n, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doc: Enclosed please find my personal check to cover the amount of the tickets which I received in the mail today. Thanks a million for this personal favor and from the looks of them, ft am sure that they are in a very good section. I certainly hope that you and your boys have a successful evening and also that the balance of the season will prove to bring a Big Six Championship to Kensas University. SCHOOL FURNITURE : : : : : FOLDING CHAIRS =——— AUDITORIUM SEATING : LABORATORY EQUIPMENT ~— PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT : : SCHOOL SHADES JANITOR AND SANITATION SUPPLIES : ::: : :