shall be eligible for a scholarship award; pro- vided, however, that students awarded scholar- ships under these Rules and Regulations may ap- ply for extension of the award from year to year for three (3) additional years. 4. From the applications received each year, The Committee will select twenty (20) boys and ten (10) girls, giving consideration to past schol- astic records, future promise and financial need. The candidates so selected will be required to take the College Entrance Examination Board Test for Scholastic Aptitude. (Colleges and uni- versities throughout the nation rely on this test for the rating of candidates for admission and for the awarding of freshman scholarships.) This test will be held at designated places throughout the United States for all candidates at the same time, the date to be announced annually. Fees required by each candidate taking the test will be paid from the Fund, but other expense of attend- ing and taking the test will be borne by the can- didates. Candidates, after having been notified of their selection by The Committee, will be re- quired to fill out formal applications for exam- ination and transmit same to The Committee for filing with the College Entrance Examination Board. Blanks for this purpose may be secured from the Secretary of The Committee on Educa- tional Fund for Children of Phillips Petroleum Company Employees. This standard form of ap- plication will be used by all candidates. In order to avoid disappointment or misunderstanding, candidates are advised to consult their prospec- tive colleges to insure that they are otherwise eligible for college entrance, before registering for these tests. If any one or more candidates from among the ten girls and twenty boys eligible for the Schol- astic Aptitude Test may be prevented from taking said test on the date scheduled, due to reasons which, in the unanimous judgment of The Com- mittee, were unavoidable and extraordinary, such candidate or candidates may be granted the op- portunity to take a later Scholastic Aptitude Test, provided that The Committee, after weighing all other qualifications, deem such deferment proper. In this case, The Committee may withhold the public announcement of a sufficient number of scholarships, respectively for girls and for boys, 3