November 26, 1940 Mre Ray Ebling Phillips Petroleum Company fax, Claims end Insurance Dept. 4705 Centrel Kansas City, Missouri > Desr Pay: This letter will arrive too lete to be of any. benefit so far as information is concerned, but I heve already procured the tickets and left them with Milton. It is my understanding thet the Partners and Eblings will stop at HMit'’s house before they go to the © game. Tim Bannon of Leavenworth is also stopping by at mt ~~ so I am sure everything is taken care of. ; I want you to know how such we appreciate your playing in the gamee With ell good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education end Recreation Versity Basketbell Coach FCA:lgimin TAX, CLAIMS AND INSURANCE DEPT, DON EMERY VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL H. C. MARSH, AssT. F. D. SMYTHE F. W. ALEXANDER, MGR. . 4705 CENTRAL A. W. POWERS ee NEY ‘\ KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI et \\ November 20, 1940 ‘ ie Ek y Ap CW f) £ &akV A \y \t . / : \ & fe i i ag Mw y / Dr. Forrest C. Allen k « / University of Kansas J a / Lawrence, Kansas YX Dear Sir: & TI received your letter with reference to the Alumni Varsity game to be played November 26 in Lawrence. You ask if I will be able to take part in the game. Please be advised that unless something unforeseen comes up between now and that time, I will be more then glad to pley my five or ten minutes, which is about all I will be able to do. As you already know, Dan Partner and his wife are planning on attending the game with my wife and myself, and I would appreciate very much if you would get tickets for the Partners and my wife. , Ve truly yours, (Se RCE: dw KANSAS CITY DIV. OFFICE R. C. EBLING = ENCED, (Swovest ot She - Cony / (THIS SIDE OF CARDtSFOR ADDRESS } ll ge eae ( f7. Ht PE. AMY. ty Fuze pe Can 63 ° ECE OD me ee, Pe ra g ve ve Meee Lr L. ee: oe = ) \ ae oe SY fo po cn e- e Lue bt a Pee oe ee es ag December S, 1940 We are today returning the two Rawlings Laceless Sasketbalis to you, for which it was agreed you would veplace then with two new onese We would appreciate your early attention to this matters Thanking you in advance, I aim, Sineerely yours, aicilied ok Wi kiad Witten ene Recreation ——— 2 | Deeenber 7, 1940 When you bane wn sete Sid tu the matetged Auditorium I had forgotten whether you wanted one or tro tickets for Monday night's games I have told Mr. Har] Falkenstien that you want two tickets, but if I have mde a mistake, it can be cleared come to the game Monday night and see Mr. Falkenstien at the ticket windows With all good wishes, I an, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Conch Decenber 7, 1940 lire Fred £llsworth Secretary, Memorial Corporation Frank Strong Mali University of Kansas Dear Prods , I will plan to be present at the mecting | of the Board of Directors of the University of Kansas Memorial Corporaticn, Saturday, December 14, at 11:00. It will be necessary for me to leave soon after luncheon for Marysville, Kansas where I speak to the State #i-+-Y groupe Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach HAslg University of Kansas MEMORIAL UNION Lawrence December 6, 19h0 Dre Pe Ce Allen 105 Robinson Campus Dear Phog: A meeting of the Roard of Directors of the University of Kansas Memorial Corporation will be held Saturday, December 1:1, at 11:00 ofclock in the Pine Room of the Memorial tmio Building. The meeting is called to discuss and propose changes in the constitution and by-laws and to elect new directors to fill vacancies. Lunch will be served at 12:00, Please let us know as som as possible whether you will attend. Yours very truly, ae R. S. ELLIOTT ARMS_CO os Geo. A. REACH Co.,, Inc. NOT CONNECTED WITH ANY OTHER COMPANY OR CORPORATION MANUFACTURERS OF FINE SPORTING GOODS GREENSBORO, MARYLAND January 27, 1941 R. 8S. Blliott Arms Co. 1508 Grand Ave. Kansas City, Mo. Attention: Mr. e Henkel . Gentlemens- In reply Ao your letter of January 23rd we wish to advise one of/ the balls from U. of K. was ours and we replaced it with a new one and returned the other ball to you, #s it was not of our manufacture. Jan. 22nd and we would refer ame date also. These you to our ere shippe Yours very truly, Geo. A. Reach Co., Inc. BY sNIB fame che ae ee yh Sia bene Aca Jamary 29, 1941 We have received the new ball sent us to replace the defective Reach ball, and also the used one which you state has been punctured too badly to be replaceds In my opinion we did not get the wear out E, E i E & i 3 : Several days ago I talked with Mre Taft and he advised me that the Reach basketballs are guaranteed, hen Don't you think thet is fair? We doe Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FPCAsig Varsity Basketball Coach 1508-10 GRAND AVENUE a PHONE GRAND 1910 ; KaNnSAS Crry,Mo. Jen. 27, 1941 oe ~~ 7 - Se es Dr. Forest C.Allen, bay “fw _ University of Kansas, = Lewrence, Kansas. a Dear Sir: We are today in receipt of a letter from the Reach Company regarding the two basketballs which you recently returned for replacement. They have replaced one of the balls which we have sent to you by mail today. The other ball they cannot replace due to the fact thet it has been punctured very badly and they feel it not a defect. Upon examining the bell we do find it is in a very bad condition, and it would be asking the manufacturers too much to replace a ball of this type when it has been punctured as badly as this one. We do hope that the one bell which they have repleced will meet with your approvel and we may heve additional oppor- tunity of serving you from time to time. Yours very truly, R. S.-ELLIOTT ARMS £O JHea “It Pays to Play” February 4, 1943 Mr, Frea Elisworth Secretary, Alum. Associatia University of Kansas Dear Freds I like the little novelty basketball pin which you attached to your recent letter to més. Please give me the lady's mame and I believo ~ that for next year we could have some made the early part of the season aud they should go over ina big waye Thanking you, I em, incerely yours, Director of Physicel Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FoAslig PeSe T an ene losing my check in the anount of $5400 the seme as my regular annual dues and subscription to the | eats Magazines President OSCAR S. STAUFFER, fs‘12 Arkansas City Directors MYRA LITTLE REITZ, ‘32 Oakwoo N. Kansas City, Mo. WALTER G. THIELE, I’10 Supreme Court Topeka BRUCE HURD, 1'14 Santa Fe Offices Topeka JOHN E. BOYER, ‘28, I’30 WKH Building Wichita FRANK L. CARSON, ‘13 First National Bank Wichita General Secretary and Editor Graduate Magazine Vice-President HARLAND B. HUTCHINGS, I’16 FRED ELLSWORTH, ‘22 107 Grand Avenue Lawrence Kansas City, Mo. Directors The University of Kansas DOLPH SIMONS, ‘25 Lawrence Al : ; Al ° ‘ JOANNA GLEED WAGSTAFF, fa’21 4 jociatio 4, Lawrence CLARENCE L. BURT, e’09 Hutchinson HEADQUARTERS - ROOM 2 - FRANK STRONG HALL BALFOUR S. JEFFREY, ‘28 Nat’! Bank of Topeka Bldg. Topeka W. T. GRANT, fs’05 Business Men’s Assurance Co. Kansas City, Mo. Lawrence - Kansas January 25, 1941 Dre Fe Ce Allen Athletic Office University of Kansas Dear Phogs A woman at Perryton, Texas, makes pins like the attachede She sent one this fall with a football with the idea that they might be sold at homecominge However, our homecoming was so early it was out of the question to promote any such a deale I asked her for a sample for use in connection with the 75th Anniversary this springe She has sent us a sample on a diamond shaped board which I will wear fonday at Rotary. Along with it she sent this basketball pine Do you think of any way they could be promoted or sold to advantage? Cordially, FEshk atl PeSe She makes these basketball pins for 7 ¢ each; the diamond shaped anniversary pins are 8g each. I figure they can be sold at 15¢ at a good profit for some group like the Jay JaneSe FE Active Membership, with Graduate Magazine Subscription, $3 Annually. Life Membership, $60 Single Payment or 10 Installments of $7.50. President OSCAR S. STAUFFER, fs’12 Arkansas City Directors MYRA LITTLE REITZ, ’32 Oakwood N. Kansas City, Mo. WALTER G. THIELE, 1/10 Supreme Court Topeka BRUCE HURD, I’14 Santa Fe Offices Topeka JOHN E. BOYER, ‘28, I’30 WKH Building Wichita FRANK L. CARSON, ‘13 First National Bank Wichita General Secretary and Editor Graduate Magazine FRED ELLSWORTH, ‘22 Lawrence The University of Kansas Alumni Association HEADQUARTERS - ROOM 2 - FRANK STRONG HALL Lawrence - Kansas January 14,1941 Dre Fe Co Allen 105 Robinson Campus Dear Dre Allen: Your name appears on page 9 of the December Graduate Magazinee We note that you don't subscribe regularly so we are sending a marked copye In view of the special situation this spring with the 75th Anniversary Celebration coming up, may- be you will send in your subscriptione We would ap- preciate it. Cordially, Secretary FE /taw So ene 4 Vice-President HARLAND B. HUTCHINGS, 1/16 1207 Grand Avenue Kansas City, Mo. Directors DOLPH SIMONS, ‘25 Lawrence JOANNA GLEED WAGSTAFF, fa‘21 Lawrence CLARENCE L. BURT, e’09 Hutchinson BALFOUR S. JEFFREY, ‘28 Nat’l Bank of Topeka Bldg. Topeka W. T. GRANT, fs‘05 Business Men‘s Assurance Co. Kansas City, Mo. Active Membership, with Graduate Magazine Subscription, $3 Annually. Life Membership, $60 Single Payment or 10 Installments of $7.50. Cumistian DIRECTORS ° ROBERT N. MONTGOMERY PRESIDENT NEW CONCORD, O. EDMUND D. SOPER VICE-PRESIDENT EVANSTON, ILL. Cc. WESLEY ISRAEL SECRETARY OAK PARK, ILL. Ss. D. MARQUIS TREASURER CHICAGO, ILL. WARD W. DAYTON CHMN., FINANCE COM, La CROSSE, WISC. UEL W. LAMKIN MARYVILLE, MO. FRANK H. WEST NASHVILLE, TENN. A. J. ELLIOTT EXECUTIVE SECRETARY CHICAGO, ILL. ° MEMBERS HARRISON RAY ANDERSON CHICAGO, ILL. JAMES C. BAKER SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. MARTIN H. BICKHAM WILMETTE, ILL. H. D, BOLLINGER NASHVILLE, TENN. GEORGE A. BULLOCK STILLWATER, OKLA. CHARLES CAMPBELL NEW HAVEN, CONN. E. FAY CAMPBELL NEW HAVEN, CONN. HARRY J. COTTON CHICAGO, ILL. E. E. DOMM NAPERVILLE, ILL. A. R. ELLIOTT NEw YORK, N. Y. HAROLD M. ELLIOTT LA GRANGE, ILL. LOUIS H. EVANS PITTSBURGH, PA. AJE: bd ELMER A. FRIDELL BERKELEY, CALIF, GEORGE IRVING PHILADELPHIA, PA. EMORY W: LUCCOCK EVANSTON, ILL. JOHN A. MACKAY PRINCETON, N. J. W. O. MENDENHALL WHITTIER, CALIF. W. W. MENDENHALL ITHACA, N. Y. PHILIP B. MORGAN KANSAS CITY, MO. WILHELM PAUCK CHICAGO, ILL. HAROLD C. PHILLIPS CLEVELAND, O. R. B. SNOWDEN, JR. MEMPHIS, TENN. WELLINGTON H. TINKER NEW YORK, N. Y. HENRY P. VAN DUSEN NEw YORK, N. Y. W. D. WEATHERFORD NASHVILLE, TENN. HARRY W. WHITE BEREA, Ky. JESSE WILSON NEW YORK, N. Y. PAUL A. WOLFE NEw YORK, N. Y. WILLIAM LINDSAY YOUNG PARKVILLE, MO. VANGELISM Aone Y ours, In C. 19 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET, ROOM 1323 TELEPHONE: DEARBORN 8948 CHICAGO February 5, 1941 Mr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear"Phog? which was waiting me on my return to the office. be right than popular. I am with you 100%. Loyally yours i Thanks ever so much for your good letter of the 28th Thank God for the straight shooters like yourself who would rather ROC e Pebruary 6, 1941 Miss Maude Elliott 117 Prank Strong Hall University of Kansas Dear Miss Elliotts Again we have: received a letter we are umable to read, and wonder if you will heave tine to translate it for us. We greetly appreciate your past and present fvorge Sincerely yours, Tirector of Physical wducation and Recreation Varsity faskethail Coach