TAX, CLAIMS AND INSURANCE DEPT, DON EMERY VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL H. C. MARSH, AssT. F. D. SMYTHE F. W. ALEXANDER, MGR. . 4705 CENTRAL A. W. POWERS ee NEY ‘\ KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI et \\ November 20, 1940 ‘ ie Ek y Ap CW f) £ &akV A \y \t . / : \ & fe i i ag Mw y / Dr. Forrest C. Allen k « / University of Kansas J a / Lawrence, Kansas YX Dear Sir: & TI received your letter with reference to the Alumni Varsity game to be played November 26 in Lawrence. You ask if I will be able to take part in the game. Please be advised that unless something unforeseen comes up between now and that time, I will be more then glad to pley my five or ten minutes, which is about all I will be able to do. As you already know, Dan Partner and his wife are planning on attending the game with my wife and myself, and I would appreciate very much if you would get tickets for the Partners and my wife. , Ve truly yours, (Se RCE: dw KANSAS CITY DIV. OFFICE R. C. EBLING =