July 19, 1941 Mr. Ray Evans, 503 Barnett, Kansas City, Kansas. Dear Ray: I have just checked up with the Correspondence Study Bureau, and note that you are enrolled in a two- hour course. It would have been much better if you had taken a three-hour course, but apparently someone suggested that to be eligible for football you would need only fourteen hours. You will have to pass every hour you take next fall in order to be eligible for : li. For that reason I believe it would have been much better if you had enrolled in a three-hour course this swmer. I hope that you will see to it that you don’t fail in a single hour. I am warning you early so that you will keep up your studies and not let any sport interfere with your academic work. — With best wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, . Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.