June l4éth, 1941 Mr. Ray bens 505 Barnet Kansas City, Kansas Dear Ray: I have just received your good letter of the Sth instant and I want to assure you, Ray, that you owe me no apology in any way whatsoever. I'm sorry that you failed . the three hours on your account. Sut, you have not disappointed me, Ray. If all the boyS that I dealt with were as fine as you are, life would be a bé@ of roses. The fact that you can't get this off your mind only impresses me further that you're the type of boy a coach likes to deal with. Your conscientiousness makes it a pleasure to work with you and I'm looking forward to many pleasant days next year wien I have you on my Varsity teams. I'll be glad to have you think over the matter we discussed and I assure you that at all times when I make a decision, it will be concerning your welfare. I'm conscious of the fact that young men need the best advice that we oldsters can give them and I assure you that I will endeavor to give you advise that will help you. It is our responsibility in this connection thet causes us to look ahead several years. We endeavor to see the mature men in the picture. ; I know Bob will be happy to hear from you. He's very fond of you, Ray. And, too, I will be glad to have a letter from you whenever it is convenient, With all good wishes to you and your family, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. PCArre