: ‘Well, it is a dickens of a note that a guy waite until October 19 to answor a letter dated March 20, especially the kind ——— Gee, it was swell to have a letter ke thate | We have lost Don Bbling, Dick Harp, Bruce Voran and | falph Iiller, whieh tatos ebeut al the ecoring fron our tenn exept Englemane Bob fc @ senior thie year, taking his AeBe before he starts his medical work. He is a fine lad, and with pardonable pride, you mow the femily is proud of hime. Ho and Mitt registered Wednesday for the drafte Bob is rather philosophical and is true blue when it comes to having real loyalty for his comtry. It does not seem to bother him a bit, but I know some of these yomgsters ere upset wondering what will happens Phil, I would like to write you a long letter and let you lnow how fond I Gn of yoty but I am sitting up here tonight at 44 getting eaught up with a lot of correspondence that I should have answered last ee T simply have not had the time, so I am doing it o is I followed your suggestion and said nothing to anyones If X ae 60 ee te Terr: a aay way phones Hameed soe Our kindest regards to you and your good familys Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAtig