FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM MORNING EVENING SUNDAY COMPLETE ASSOCIATED PRESS ‘SERVICE FORT WORTH TEXAS Wednesday March 20,1940, e My Dear Doc;” | | This is just a note to wish ya and your boys all the luck: in the World in the tournement at Kansas City and I hope the good wishes reach you before you leave for the scene of action, : Down here basketball isn't as praninent as it is up there iim the world's basketball capital at Lawrence am I have been having a helluva time following your team through the season because many times our sports department doesn't even carry the scores on Big'Six games.I've ragged them so much about it that they are calling me the "K. U. Kid", and every time I ask them about the results of your games they start in @n me. But I cam take it, amd dish it out, and there are a lot of loyal KU alumni down here, even the older ones, who try to follow your club.I take the Journal-World and consequently can keep well informed although the reports come about two days late,The Dallas News and the Houston Post carry the game scores and brief stories, as I have pointed out to our sports department which is principally interested in football an@ baseball. The situation here is no different than it is in many metropolitan areas located at some distance from the campus at Lawrence and I thought your boys might like to know that we have about 300 alumni in this cow town whdare with them and for them, and who are elated when they win and gorry but not angry when they have the misfortune to lose, which is not often, I Was sorry about the final Big Six game at Norman, but I realize that they can't win them all.Then I was elated at the reports of the play-off when your lads trimmed the Sooners and took the Oklahoma Aggies into camp. Although the competition will be tough at Kansas City,I have the feeling that Miller, Bob, and the rest of the lads will come through, am from the KU alumni down here yon ean give them the best.I only wish that I could be on hand to cover the games, or at least be a spectator. I miss the great games that we used to hare up there in old Robinson gym, and later in the new audi tordum. Looking back on those days(and having known Bob when he was still playing , around in rompers em heaving a baGketball at a backboard in your rear yard)I will Say that your present day lads have before them a very rich heritage in the game to live up to. I &m certain that they will deliver thetr best, regardless of whether or not they win. Unfortunately I have not had the privilege of seeing your team play this year, but the club must be a dandy. I think it might encourage them to realize that such men as Endacott, Petersen, Gordon, Cox, Ray Ebling, Ted O'Leary and Bill Johnson Set the ADDRESS REPLY TO THE FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM: jen