Ure Fred Fllsworth Alunni Association University of Kansas Dear Mre Flisworths “Regarding the Taignith memorial, I was not at all sure BITE econ eee Paine yg wats yreo tel oat et backgroud of expressions that certain outsiders might mke fron time to time. The Knute Rockne Fieldhouse at South Bend ws such a venturee I contributed $25.00 to that projects Yes, I agree with you that it would take a lot of careful and versatile enginsering to got the job done. However, Springfield, Massachusetts YelleCeie College is attempting to do that thing, or et least they have it in their minds. ite John Brow of Springfield College spoke to me about it two or three years ago. John Burm was in the group and he expressed a, very strong and enpimtic opinion against Springfield doing such a thinge He stated that he thought i ee So your angle might be quite logical. However, I have a pretty definite idea that we could get uth | a Gt cain, tek feo Guan Se Gt Sahn 0h te te ce a that the United States may help England, then that ie something e)se , We could perhaps put it over with the final push, but tha’ would be wild firing Twill aduit, aS Gortainly if we could get the money fraa one person it would oe Very cordially yours, Direstor of Physical hietation and Recreation Varaity Basketball Coach FCAsig