President General Secretary and Editor Graduate Magazine Vice-President ~ OSCAR S, STAUFFER, fs‘12 ’ HARLAND B. HUTCHINGS, 1/16 Arkansas City FRED ELLSWORTH, 22 1207 Grand Avenue Lawrence Kansas City, Mo. Directors MYRA LITTLE zs . . Di t aoe The University of Kansas DOLPH SIMONS, ‘25 N. Kansas City, Mo. Lawrence WALTER G. THIELE, 1/10 . JOANNA GLEED WAGSTAFF, fa‘21 Supreme Court 2 = Lawrence Topeka CLARENCE L. BURT, e’09 BRUCE HURD, |'14 Shanta fort Hutchinson Topek sy = HEADQUARTERS - ROOM 2 - FRANK STRONG HALL BALFOUR S. JEFFREY, ‘28. JOHN E. BOYER, ‘28, 30 Tapeka peices en pulding W. T. GRANT, fs’05 Lawrence - Kansas Business Men’s Assurance Co. FRANK L. CARSON, ‘13 Kansas City, Mo. irs ationa an Wichita October 30, 1940 Dr F C Allen Physical Ed Dept. Robinson Gym Dear Phog: I Have just sent the following telegram to Mrs George Luhman (Amarynthia Smith '14), 3027 N Shepard Ave., Milwaukee: DR. F. Co ALLEN, BASKETBALL COACH, SPEAKS MILWAUKEE NOVEMBER 7. COULD ATTEND ALUMNI MEETING EVENING 6TH. STAYS HOTEL SHERMAN CHICAGO NOVEMBER 2 T0 6. IF YO! CAN ARRANGE MEETING ADVISE ME OF ANY MATERIALS NEEDED AND WRITE HIM EARLY AS POSSIBLE. A copy of this telegram is being sent her by letter today with further explanations and exhortations and copies of my letter to her go also to Purdy Meigs (Dean “awson's daughter Lois’ husband) 805 Michigan, S Mailwaukee, vice president of the Milwaukee K U C1ab, to Mre Myron Hughey, 2350 N 58th St., Milwaukee, secretary, and to Marvin Creager editor and president of the Milwaukee Journal. The following telegram goes to Byren K Perreault, 180 North Michigan, Chicago, president of the Chicago Jayhawkers (This is Frenchy Perreault ,1'23): PHOG ALLEN TO BE IN CHICAGO AT HOTEL SHERMAN NOVEMBER 2 TO AFTERNOON SIXTH AVAILABLE FOR ALUYNI WEFTING ADVISE HIM EARLY IF ARRANGED ALSO ME We are sending wopy of this wire and explanatory letter to Frenchy and copies of his letter also to Dr William S Holmes, 5432 Ridgewood Ct., Chicago, secretary of the K U Club, and to HC "Dad" Herman,’09, 19 So Lasalle, who seems to be interested in getting things steamed up in Chicago. Thenks for your help. See attached sheet of dope for speakers. Main thing I am interested in getting across is 75th Anniver- Sary. i Loe (ae Active Membership, with Graduate Magazine Subscription, $3 Annually. Life Membershi 60 Single Payment or 10 Installments of $7.50.