Nei ce Sabi ab Los REET ES I PT ESTE FI TEE PETE TES R Ge OSES TETRA 2 GRE SIF AE EAR KS EAN DEEL DE NPS PEE LAS EOE MERE ik . pe IGESTED TOPICS AND DATA FOR SPRAKERS AT ALUMNI MEETINGS PALL, 1940 NOfEs This outline is not complete, nor is order of subjects necessarily goode MAKE YOUR GN TALK. This is only intended to be an aide 76Ti ANNIVERSARY. The greatest celebration ever held on the campus will occur next June 5-9 when the University observes the 75th anniversary of its openings The oscasion will take the form ofs A University-wide exposition of student, faculty and alumi workse Reopening of Dyche Museume Symposia in the various departments. Dinners and a barbecue. A ion and dance. A of Every Class and of Many Orgenizationse Musical progranse Return of Nationally Known Alumni and Others as Spealerse Regular Commencement Programse os history of the University will be published in connection with the celebrat Losal groups are asked to aid the eek bration--0«. (1) By epreading ward of the importance and attractiveness of the affair to all alumi in their communities and to the general publice (2) By having a especial 76th anniversery meeting during the spring, with special is on the University's histerye The alumi office will help furnish materiale (3) By getting a large number | of alumi to subseribe for the Graduate Magazine so they may be kept informed of developments in planse Many alumi groupe are planning to send to the University «a 75th anniversary gift which they will provide by subseription or by ee ee These gifts will range all the way from a single copy of a book for the library, to fine pictures of faculty members to hang on the wall of the class room in which they have taught, to additions to the loan or scholarship funde i | Emphasis in the 75th Anniversary celebration isa not on | gifts but on good will and appreciation of the University's great past, present and MEC OMING « = event comes Nove 8 and 9 at time of the Oklahoma Game. It's cLahon ut the Rebraska game was scheduled this year too early to plan casdainn activities. It s© happens that 1940 is the 50th anniversary of football at Kansas. wich: at ten dint teh toe Crkes enh et Of Van Gah be teak tee Golden Anniversary of their playing days. Notes Someone has expressed the hope that the “Pirst fifty years are hardest." The annual Homecoming parade will be colorfule-as usual. After the parade and rally (broadeast from Station WREN) there will be a new feature-e a Homecoming show--sort of “amateur hour" at the new city auditorium. Another new feature will be an open house at the Union after the game Saturday eveninge o NERAL aD TES a ws DINGe The University and interested groups of citizens f the stat , tate legislature of 1941 to appropriate money for a new Siecnad Siastates Salinas bn be Uanatal Gb the wack eal’ ef Gb daneud- Tt will house the departments of geology, chemical engineering, petroleum » mining engineering and the State Geologien] Survey. It is vital for two reas i) The state has no researoh headquarters for the ninerel industry whiah is the segdnd most Seer eee, ere ne See oe college and many experimental farms to aid the agricultural industry--and they have been highly suscessful investments. The mineral industry which uses $154,000,000 of income a needs a research pe egy tn (2 a Rulvereliy uoede oath & tel inge It has had no { j i 4 { {