building by state appropriation since 1927. In reality it has had no eateneien of ¢lass room or laboratory space since 1923. The 1927: building (new Snow Hall) just : replaced old Snow Hall. The enormous gain in enrollment and activities sinee 1923 4 has caused the departments to dig out and use subberranean caverns that would shock the eave dwellers. The new building will not only give the present fine steff ees penne Moore, Landis and others) ae well as graduate students and students « chance to produse real woalth for the state, but will make a ground for young men of the state in these important fields--and will give other over crowded departnents rejief by permitting them to move into old Haworth Hall. ne University's first low cost housing facilities for men | students enjoying the benefits of life in three le the Gpaeious grounds on whieh it sete (Old Acacia House aaetal | te emphasize location as many alumni the Acacia's leeation dem on Tennessee Ste at the sane address where the lived last year) wore bougit fron faagia alumal boul holders by tte ool 15,0006 = Saaee Se eee tis Ht Beast Rouse : Tine Bals@t ovtained approwe of th DEFENSE. The University's part in national defense hae included these and other de Dpnientes 1085 non registered and Elno Hardy, a graduate student, had suber 190 the tires mabe : he EOPG which is voluntary, rose in enroliment a wal S60 to 720; many students vanieed out of school for training service in national guard end other branshes of service; the Civil Aeronautics Authority ng pr t he University of Kansas was ous of the 38 ariginal adhecis chosen for thin Woeluing ont in tend fores sonpeter ranked second in efficiency in the UsSe Several faculty members have been called inte conferences on national defense probléms ani som or them have Feserve commissions and are likely to be called into service before the yeer is overs de de deknahy retired fron presides yy of eheveationa Geoe stints alts tn tae in moles to take position dean of engineering at Kell Has more har Di jCSnlues $8 Tits y Re On; —— ¥ ne FLonail ve Grad: ecduate ty K.Ue, ae ig Le, Kather’ ie Fulkerson Jakoskye from Virginia Medical College as dean ie staff ond makes frienis fast. Males 0 most interesting talk on pharmeey + Gent ‘for schools, eivie clubs, and the likee Je We Ashton, new head of English department, a splendid’ spoakere ni i SCIMEGIER RETIRES Born in Suitserland, educated in America and Germany, | ia: 3 nister, a monber of the KeU. faculty since 1907, made soting : | dein ins 2588 aeak duan tu 200% ba’ han been and ordlh in ene of Iamens® mater 5 oA speakerse A much loved and respected mane He retires at age limit of 65 for administrative officialse Will continue tenchinge Indiana teetek oh ten v i ak on teterentians law but it was required by of the ship an aia Cher wane returning and was quite agreeable to Mras Lindleye A beautiful service was held on board, with a college president, a dean of men, and 26 eollege students taking parte