UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS NEWSLETTER Homecoming Nov. 8-9 Has the Pull a members of the University’s first six teams (1890-95 inclusive) return- ing for a “huddle” after fifty years, and with fine student spirit on the campus to provide a lively celebration for all, Homecoming 1940 promises to be a good one. ‘The game is with Oklahoma. The day is Nov. 9. The place is Mt. Oread, on the Kaw. Other features will join to make the fall celebration inviting. ‘The annual Homecoming parade down old Massa- chusetts street the evening of Nov. 8 will be as usual a stirring demonstration of pep and ingenuity. With bands marching, floats of the many organiza- tions jostling along and with torches flaming over the heads of uniformed Jay Janes, Ku Ku’s and others, the pa- rade is a thrilling spectacle. Alph ‘Tau Omega has an enormous roll of alumni returning for its 4oth anniversary celebration and new chap- ter house dedication. Judge Willard Benton, 1l’20, is national president of the fraternity this year and he will be on hand. Dr. Clifford L. Gilles, m’17, is president and manager of the ccle- bration. The new house is located at 1537 Tenn. SpEcLAL Groups MErr Another special conclave that will bring many alumni is the Legal Insti- tute, a conference-lecture series for lawyers being sponsored jointly by the State Bar Association, the School of Law and the University Extension Di- vision. All lawyers in Douglas and ad- jacent counties have been invited as well as all alumni of the School of Law resident in Kansas. Between 200 and 400 are expected to attend. The ses- sions run Friday afternoon, Friday evening and Saturday morning. Some 300 editors will be in session at the University Saturday morning which will add to the size and glory of the throng. The alumni office is calling in a rep- resentative from each class to confer on plans regarding class reunions at the 75th Anniversary. ‘This will be a good sized group also. Six oF First TEAM The 1890 team members returning are Thornton Cooke, Kansas City, C. W. Frederick, Rochester, N.Y., J. W. Dyer, Wichita, C. W. Baldridge, Chi- cago, R. D. Brown, Idabel, Okla., and Prof. E. M. Hopkins, their manager. In addition, W. H. H. Piatt and Frederick Dobson, both of Kansas City, are members of the 1891 team who will attend. Many other members of teams up to and including 1895 will be in the party. Wade Pierce, ’27, of Lawrence, is general chairman of Homecoming this year. He has a committee of 31 stu- dents, faculty and alumni assisting him in the preparations. K.U. and National Defense National defense developments affect the University this fall in the following ways: Vol- untary enrollment in R.O.T.C. was upped from a normal of 360 to 720; registrants Oct. 16 under the Selective Service Act numbered 1083; although no one has been able to count or even estimate the exact number, it is known that many students are in national guard units and other military activities and remained out of school this fall for training service. Another University activity that has proved an aid in na- tional defense is the Civil Aeronautics Author- ity pilot training program in which K.U. has had a leading part. One of the first 13 schools to be chosen as a training point, Kansas has had 138 students pass the primary flying tests. This fall 50 are enrolled in the primary course and 20 in the advanced course. Services For Dr. Lindley Memorial services were held simultaneously Oct. 13 at the Universities of Kansas and !n- diana for Chancellor Emeritus E. H. Lindley who died Aug. 21 at sea. Copies of the October Graduate Magazine featuring his life may be ordered from the alumni office at 25 cents each. Homecoming Program Friday, November 8 3:00 p.m. Registration Opens in Me- morial Union, W.S.G.A. and Jay Janes in charge. 6:00 p.m. Dinner Hour Radio Pro- gram from KFKU 8:00 p.m. Homecoming Parade down Massachusetts St. 8:35 p.m. Rally 8th and Mass., broad- cast from WREN. 9:30 p.m. Kansas Relays Club Mixer, Eldridge Hotel Grill Room. Saturday, November 9 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. Open house for all at three Men’s Dormitories east edge of campus. Visitors go first to Templin Hall for reception and guide. 9:30 a.m. Kansas Relays Club meeting and election, Eldridge Hotel Grill. 10:30 a.m. Meeting representatives of all classes, Memorial Union, to plan 75th Anniversary reunions. 11:30 a.m. Second and third generation group picture, Dyche Museum steps. 2:00 p.m. Football game, Oklahoma vs. Kansas, Memorial Stadium. 4:30 p.m. Open House, Memorial Union. 9:00 p.m. Homecoming Varsity, Memorial Union. Meet at Washington Alumni will gather m Washington, D.C., Nov. 16 for a dual KU.. occasion. The foot- ball team will play George Washington U. that day and Chancellor Deane W. Malott and Graduate Dean E. B. Stouffer will be in the tity and will attend a great K.U. dinner that evening. The dinner will be held at the Ken- nedy-Warren Apartment Hotel at 8 p.m. Apply to Mrs. Roy Porterfield, No. 2 Rosemary St., Chevy Chase, Md., for reservations. Milton Dye, 5443 41st Place N.W., has charge of game reservations. ie Sottero Dycure Museum REoprEeNeED AT DIAMOND JUBILEE