Mrs Ges Alcott 1206 Es Jefferson Bloomington, Iilinoi, Dear Mire — “Your good letter of Anpath 9 woe ed << was away from the office on my summer tn thitul Weioenes etteie rent then the followin | tn thats tasketball elinte theres ic Sanne Sia 5 ane Se Pepeltig eciagiahy Gaassaies Geaniticcs "te Ge nee oe Sek We were discuss ‘the | or Basketball Tournanente : ong . ‘Wetional Collegiate s Widiesdk shir Seheww way sila Regarding the Baker faculty | man, I au wondering if that could be CeS. Parmenters He was @ grand fellows 76 happened he was @ sommin-law of Bishop Quail, another outstanding gentleman. I was ha indeed to hear from Brick Young and to mow of your association with eles “Scoop” Olsons | ™/ he on team 3 I ms quite fond of his ee | ; ies ldiceis email 1 dncen tinea 0 part of November. If it is at al] possible, Jan oe se ‘drop ee ip - : i chleteg wi: vow utilis Gu eae seeleantien peane W Malott nd wilt ddaaak Gaurotein, trot Winner Patra : ‘hele Sididon a the Maleate Momecaal iden, ‘ | + S411: tele tren sn ts Sle Sh i mtn bienetling tid a 5 Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity sthall Coach se ss es is 3 2 af x + 3 a a oe 5 ie we a ike g ie ah ee ie Spx =i jig wet 9 oS mie est tg He a See infos 4a im oe os 4 * 2 i Nah rele ae oom AS ett pecanes eek! Rape ee iba ey Xe ss ; ae = #