Mr. Eubank . Page Three Oct. 21, 1940 Kirksville Teachers College along in 1908 and 1910, when Mrs Simmons was Athletic Director, and I have the pleasant momory of Mr». Kirk coming dom the field many times and shaking hands with me when I refereed those football games, Te was @ vigorous and aggressive educator and I am happy that they — are recognizing his great worth to the State Teachers College at Kirkevilles If we do not arrive at 10,00, woe will got there by noon, at least, | for the big parade and the football game, I will look you up as soon as I come — to tom, and if I do not find you I will look for Mr. Clifton Cornwell, surely ~ one of you two august gentlemen can be locateds - With @11 good wishes and anticipating with pleasure our being with you, I am, | Yory cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg