February 7, 1943 Mrse Revlah Eneleman Arkansas City, Kansas Dear Mrs. Englemans I am sending you a gloss of Howard and Bobe I thought perhaps that you as mother of Hownrd would want one of these picturess Whe Associated Presa took these and sent me fome copiese I tock one home to Mrs,ยป Allen and I am mailing one to you end sending the other te Mrse and ire Wehe Snellere I want you to know that we were delighted te see you in Wichita and we trust thet you will come to Lewrenee to see Howmmrd play heree Remember, you have _ been invited as a guest in the Allen households With all good wishes, I amg. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical iducation and Reoreation Varsity Basketball Coach