February 27, 1941 Mrse Beulah Engleman Arkensas City, Kansas Dear lirse Englemans Your lovely letter of the 10th was taken home to the Allen household and all of them read the samee Mrs. Allen, Bobby, Eleanor and the rest of us voted that you were about the cleverest letter-writer in Arkansas Citye I am sure that with your maternal insight into life you hee yoieed the durable things that all people like so muche When you come in May you must be our house guests Now remember, we expect yous I imow that you and Mrse Allen will hit it off in great shape because you both think alikee Certainly there is a definite and similar reaction that you two mothers have toward your sonse i want to aay that Howard ‘is a or With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Reoreati on Varsity Basketball Coach FeAsig