ACTRESSES, SINGERS and society beauties are enthusiastic Exercycle users. For re- ducing is only half of what Exercycle does for women. No corset can take the place of strong abdominal muscles. It is the muscular system alone that can be de- pended upon to keep organs in their proper place. Thus, when Exercycle con- centrates on firming your abdominal mus- cles, it does more than improve your fig- ure. No beauty cream can give the glow to your skin and hair that good circulation will. A balanced diet provides your blood stream with healthful supplies for skin and hair. The blood flows through tiny capillaries, many of them no larger than silk threads. As we grow older, these cap- CAPT ER-THIR FY” BEAUTY SECRETS illaries have a tendency to close up, thicken, prevent the blood from reaching skin and scalp. (That is why our hair and skin suffer as we age.) Exercycle’s motion helps to wake up arteries and capillaries, to help the nourishing blood get through where it is needed. Thus, the daily use of Exercycle is really a beauty treatment. And Exercycle is the easy, pleasant and HEALTHY way for women to reduce and keep thin. Doctors recommend it. It makes you feel and look better even be- fore you begin to show weight loss. It takes little time, it entails no rigid diets or drugs. Its motion is gentle—it has even been recommended for women who have re- cently gone through childbirth, for people with heart trouble, for invalids. Yet it gets amazing results. If you are in any doubt as to whether you should use Exercycle, we will be glad to give a demonstration to your doctor and let him make the decision.