Osteber 31, 1941 Mr. Chuck Elliott University Daily Kensan Dear Chuck, Professor Anderson brought in deta that I've asked him to write, but it came too late for Bill Porter to use. We endeavored to get him at the noon hour so that we'd get the information to hin, but that was impossible. I an enclosing a list of sone faculty members and students that Professor Jensen stated wore interested in skiing. I thought you might want to use some of these names to help tho article. Bill has the facts slightly twisted. The lighting will done on the intramural field, and it will be for skatinr. We have done any Planning as yet for bobsledding, but if we do it it will be separate from the skiing. We plan te run lights on poles down from the power house to the intra~ mural field. Z thought it well to clear up these points so there would be ne misunderstanding. _ Also, Professor Jensen got his skiing experience as a boy in Norway, while Professor Anderson did his in Austria while he wes a German Exchange student from the University of Kansas. : Sincerely, | Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation FCA/pe 3 Versity Basketball and Baseball Coach Novenber S, 1941. Mere Charley Fe Mnbree, G234 Soe Holman Aves, Taumond, Indiam., cow Chapters | Sl ee wie ine abtikn ec of Goter regarding the Phog Allen Basketbell Games. 3 as citi oa Mk Sle aie shane Oe given to eee at toe ck See You handle it any ira ont pccoan I cen eppreciate your dilemm, especially ghee: eee Any way you handle it will entirely satisfactory to me. I would be to _ the Service Organization mike use of theme es oa With all good wishes, I am | os Mreoter ef Pysien! Bduoation and Recreation, ie Varsity Saskettall ond Baseball Coache 6254 South Hohman Ave, Hammond, Indiana Yetoher 235, 1941 Dre Fé G. Allen The University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr, Allen ; I've just returned from a trip into Iowa and a stom in Iowa City where I paid the storage on the Phog Alien Basket Ball Games to Octoher 31 of this year. Although I have travelled half way around the world and back and then some since we entered into this business, I have taken care of the storage hoping that some day something could be developed out of the idea. Now, the storage people are pressing me to move the games because they need the space f@ merchandise paying a higher ratee Do you have any ideas relative to what might be done with the games and the idea behind them. I still be- . lieve there is a marketable idea with some real profit possibil- ities but I just donét have time to go into it. While the storage has been dry and satisfactory in every way, I am afbaid that after nearly nine years, these games will not be very presentable. The rules, applying to these games, are not those of modern basket ball. To make them saleable they would heve to be completely revamped. As for the present games, I can think of nothing else but perhaps to give them to the U.S.0.where they should find some interested players in some of the army camps. It might be a good news sto for you, too. Please let me have your ideas. We are going to huve to do something with them and Fisher is nowhere to be founde I'd like very much to have a chance to talk with youe It seems that nothing happens to bring me to Kansase With best wishes, I am Yours very truly, atin A fob November 22, 1941 Wiss Maude Elliott Frank Strong Hall Dear Miss Elliott, I am enclosing another letter written in Spanish. I eam wondering if you'will be kind enough to translate it for me. I do appre- ciate very greatly you assistance in such matters. I hope that this request will not be too much of an inconvenionose Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation : FCA/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach November 29, 1941. ly. Howard Engleman, Phillips Petroleum Co., Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Dear Howard: I enjoyed receiving your "Bill's Gay" posteard from New York. I'll bet you got a surprise, did you not, when you saw Bob and Eleanor, because doubtless Mrs. Allen was there at. that time, or else on her way. She is attending the Army-Navy game today with the youngsters. i got four tickets, hoping that I could attend, but found that it was impossible. But I mow they wilt be having a@ swell time. i dik chek Shah rae Gave: Dts uk Denti 6 qned. Sian. ee it eae basen aeent ne F mn rs : aE 8 a L j I am sending your card to Mrs. Alien, as I am writing her today. She always loved you, Howard, and I kmow how interested | she will in hearing from yous . \ Old “Ogu-iogu” is ghite a student, and Eleanor is in psychology. Lock out there, boy, she will figure out the workings of your minds But when she does it she will be having a good time, I'll bet. a I am writing you at Bartlesville, hoping that this ee ee off. You know Connie Wack used to say, “The way to off Ty Cobb is to throw one base ahead of him.” Well, that is what I am doing regarding Howard Ingleman. ! My kindest regards to my good friends - Boots Adams, Paul Endacott, Alexander, Pralle, and a host of other good Jay- hawkers with a fine outfit. Very sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FPCA:AH ‘Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach December 11, 1941. “Mies Maude Elliett, . Department of Romande Languages, University of Kansas. Dear Miss Elliott: Thank you very much for your kind- ness in translating the letters from our South American friends. | Very sineerely yours, | “Directer of Physical Bducstion and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coaches THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE Department of Romance Languages and Literatures November 25, 1941 Dr. F.C. Allen 105 Robinson University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: I am always glad to translate any letters for yous I have not translated the minutes of the meeting of the First Panamerican Congress of Physical Education because it is a rather long docu- ment, but if you care to have it translated I will be glad to. They ask that you have it published in the newspapers here and if you care to do that I will translate if of course. Neither did I translate the clippings. iI will be glad to do them if you wish. : Sincerely yours, Maude Elliott MEaf Jenuary 2, 1942. : Mr. Howard Engleman, 1003 South 2nd St., Arkansas City, Kansas. Deer Bemurds It was @ pleasure to receive your letter of December 30. Howard, I do want to buy you and Beth a gift, but if you are not yet settled in your om home that offer stands until you are more permanently lecated. I would not feel happy unless you told me what you really needed. As I mentioned in my previous letter, Ray Noble and some of the other boys have done that. Fred Pralle wrote me some time after they were married, and we get them some- thing for the house - a small piece of furniture, I believe. I want to do it, Howerd, and I won't feel that I have done my share until you let us know what you would like to have. Referring now to your query about some phase of service in the national emergency. ‘We had a meeting of the University Defer- ment Comaittee last Monday, and on that day they had received a circular from Washington saying that certain groups in the Business School would be deferred and work in the line of OPM training. I am sure if you would to Dean Steckton right away he will be able to give you full information on that. Certainly OPM will need a lot eof Business School graduates, and with your fine training and the Last that you were president of the senior class, you should be classed ag one of the eligibles. Regarding physical training end basketball, they want physical education majors for this work. I have recently received a letter from Captain Milton H. Medenbach, Assistant Adjutant General of the Air Corps Technical Training Command, at Tulsa, Oklahoma, in which he says they need men for positions as Junior Directors of Physical Training at $2000 a year under civil service appointment. He says: "These men must have the following qualifications: Graduate of an accredited college or university with a 3B. S. degree, or major in physical education, or a graduate of an accredited college or university with a miner in physical education, plus one year of | graduate work in the field of physical education. In lieu ef gradu- ate work two years full time paid experience in physical education — will be required. Not over forty-five years of age." So you can seo that they went physical education majors. Of course, they might make an exception in gaur case, due to your out- standing ability and use you as a civilian instructor. If you are interested in this angle you might write to Captain Medenbach for additional information. | I feel, however, that you will have more valuable service to render through your business training. If you don't get all you ‘want to know from Dean Stockton let me know, but I am very sure that he will be happy to list you ag one of the A-l eligibles. oe Give Beth ny kindest regards and best wishes, and also to your dear mother. ee Mate ee glad that you are so happy, and here's wishing you a long life of usefulness and happiness. i ue doe. woe the boys on the basketball team - Hank Luisetti, Chuek Hyatt, and the reat of the boys. . Very sincerely yours, a | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FOA:All Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. DON EMERY VICE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL F. W. ALEXANDER, MGR SAMILESVILLE. ORLAMOMA = = 8 si‘ ( ek Ce pamtltctnne Biv: ormee R. G. MCKINNEY L. K. STEWART FF a ys; hth feng zig T nb 2 2 Mae te a hd Ege January 15, 1942. Dre Jo Ge Evans, 503 Barnett Aves, Kansas Citys Rensase Dear Dr. Evans: I committed one of the worst blunders that I have ever comaitted in all my coaching experience. Ray spoke to me about your desiring to see the game at Columbia and I told him I would have the three tickets for him and fully intended to do so. Generally during the season there are a great number of boys that desire tickets for their parents and relatives, but it so happened in this case that Ray was the only one who had asked — for tickets. I always check on these detaila with the boys and have them write on an envelope the name of their parents or relatives who want the tickets, and the mumber. Ray being such a modest chap did not mention it to me at all at Columbia, and in the hurly-burly high-pressure moments that we had at Columbia it entirely escaped my mind. __on the way beck from Golimbia Rey was riding in the car with me and I asked him about it. I said, "By George, Ray, I forgot all about the tickets for your brother. Was he there?" And he said, “Well, I didn't see hin, but someone else said he was there." So I am writing you to offer my full apologies end to extend sincere regret. I want you to tell me the price that you paid for those tickets. I will cet a refund from the Athletic Association and send you the money because, first, I desire to do it above all bgp end secondly, because Ray never asks for unusual favors and would feel out of place wless this one were granted ~ Gre dae wk ma keue shak fou galt dad if put do woh, t vill estimate the price and send you a refund for thos three tickets. And further, I pledge you that I will never forget because I so seldom do such a thing thet it embarrasses me end. I wish that you might have come down to the dressing room the you to no after game and said hello. Remember, this invitation always Ar =2- stands for you at any time at any place. We ere very proud of Ray. He is a great boy and a fine athlete. : With all good wishes, I an Very sincerely yours, ee Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AE Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coaches ROCK ISLAND HOSPITAL ORGANIZATION cite J. G. EVAN Ss, M, Dp. 702 HURON BUILDING KANSAS CITY, KANSAS Orrice PHONE DREXEL 1881 RESIDENCE PHONE DREXEL O939 OFFice Hours: 1:30 To 5:30 P. M. January 20, 1942 Dr. Forrest CG. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kensas Dear Dr. Allen: I received your letter of January 15, apologizing for which you are not obligated, for it was I who made the blunder instead of you. I had originally intended to go to Columbia to see the game but unfortunately, I was taken down with the "flu" so was unable to attend the game. Therefore, it is all my fault. I talked to Ray the other night over the telephone when he was in the Union Station, and it was a great temptation to tell Mrs. Evans to pack my clothes-- that I was going to the basketball game with the K. U. team, to Nebraska and Iowa, Perhaps I shall make some other trip with all of you in the near future, The citizens of Kansas City, Kansas are planning to come to Lawrence and see the K. U and K, State basketball games, hoping thet we may be able to see you then. We believe that you have 4 great team and do not believe that there is another coach who is better than "Phog" Allen. Wishing you and your team many, meny successes, I remain, Your eternal friend, e = Vans 9 & @ JGE/mf January 16, 1942. Ly. George Edwards, Basketball Coach, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri. Dear George: Sc like ee ek HE ne Rotary Club, and his son, Paul. He is Director of Publicity at Texas Christian University, and Paul holds the same job at Widland College, Fremont, Nebraska. This is the only father-son combination in this sort of a job in the world. Paul told me at Rotary that he would never forget you beeauge you gave hin the first basketball that he ever hed to practice with, but he- said that he crossed you up be- cause he did not grow into the basketball player that he should have been. He graduated from T.C.U., but came back to Missouri for his master's degree in Journalism. . gs Willaré said he stopped to see you last August but you were out of town on vacation. He made a host of friends here, and there is an interesting coincidence in the fact that we play 7.0.0. next year and they will play us here in 1943. So we are looking forward to a visit with J. Willard in '45, since he always eccompenies the teas This is caked. oe gates beh pee alk te. I think J. ‘illard, if I remember correctly, said that he gradu- ated about the same time you did, George, and they both told me a eT in Delta Upsilon. So we had quite a visit wi Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. January 16, 1942, iiyandotte Tigh Kansas City, Kansas. Dear Ashley: Since writing you on January 13th I have consulted with Ur. Barl Palkenstion, financial secretary ef the Athletic Association, and learn that he has standing room.only for the remaining home games. If you wish to bring your boys under these conditions, let him know and he will set aside the number of tickets that you desire. There wilt We « tan ef tig on enh ticket (6¢ for the top baloony). I trust that you and your boys may find it possible to see some of our games. I eam sure that lr. ‘Palkenstien will do the best he can for you in the way of tickets. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. WYANDOTTE HIGH SCHOOL 25TH AND MINNESOTA AVENUE KANSAS Gity, KANSAS Jd. F. WELLEMEYER Jd. CLYDE HUME PRINCIPAL VICE-PRINCIPAL January 9, 1942 % swe rE Dr. Forrest C. Allen “%s University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog; Congratulations on your overwhelming victory over Oklahoma. I didn't get to see it, but you must have really “gone to town." I*m wondering if it would be possible to bring my boys over to three of your remaining home games--January 24, February 10, and February 20, especially the first and the last. I would like to bring ten boys and my assistant. I have sev- eral good boys who are interested in K.U. I wish you a lot of luck the rest of the season. Sincerely, Ashley &1b1 AE.lw Jenuary 13, 1942. Sincerely ; . | Direuter of Physical Education and