Osteber 31, 1941 Mr. Chuck Elliott University Daily Kensan Dear Chuck, Professor Anderson brought in deta that I've asked him to write, but it came too late for Bill Porter to use. We endeavored to get him at the noon hour so that we'd get the information to hin, but that was impossible. I an enclosing a list of sone faculty members and students that Professor Jensen stated wore interested in skiing. I thought you might want to use some of these names to help tho article. Bill has the facts slightly twisted. The lighting will done on the intramural field, and it will be for skatinr. We have done any Planning as yet for bobsledding, but if we do it it will be separate from the skiing. We plan te run lights on poles down from the power house to the intra~ mural field. Z thought it well to clear up these points so there would be ne misunderstanding. _ Also, Professor Jensen got his skiing experience as a boy in Norway, while Professor Anderson did his in Austria while he wes a German Exchange student from the University of Kansas. : Sincerely, | Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation FCA/pe 3 Versity Basketball and Baseball Coach