January 15, 1942. Dre Jo Ge Evans, 503 Barnett Aves, Kansas Citys Rensase Dear Dr. Evans: I committed one of the worst blunders that I have ever comaitted in all my coaching experience. Ray spoke to me about your desiring to see the game at Columbia and I told him I would have the three tickets for him and fully intended to do so. Generally during the season there are a great number of boys that desire tickets for their parents and relatives, but it so happened in this case that Ray was the only one who had asked — for tickets. I always check on these detaila with the boys and have them write on an envelope the name of their parents or relatives who want the tickets, and the mumber. Ray being such a modest chap did not mention it to me at all at Columbia, and in the hurly-burly high-pressure moments that we had at Columbia it entirely escaped my mind. __on the way beck from Golimbia Rey was riding in the car with me and I asked him about it. I said, "By George, Ray, I forgot all about the tickets for your brother. Was he there?" And he said, “Well, I didn't see hin, but someone else said he was there." So I am writing you to offer my full apologies end to extend sincere regret. I want you to tell me the price that you paid for those tickets. I will cet a refund from the Athletic Association and send you the money because, first, I desire to do it above all bgp end secondly, because Ray never asks for unusual favors and would feel out of place wless this one were granted ~ Gre dae wk ma keue shak fou galt dad if put do woh, t vill estimate the price and send you a refund for thos three tickets. And further, I pledge you that I will never forget because I so seldom do such a thing thet it embarrasses me end. I wish that you might have come down to the dressing room the you to no after game and said hello. Remember, this invitation always Ar