Mr. George Ekdahl, Lincoln School, Highland Park, T1ll. Dear Mr, Ekdahls | Sn nail te yee Saban of Seed, 11; comernine the height of baskets in your gymmasium, may I say that it has been my practice to recomend 8 feet for children of — 10 feet for high 8c Le In the January, 1942, Sikes ot aa dean ae Health and Physical Education there is an article written by Jack Matthews, of the University of Missouri, entitled “Lower the Basketh". You might be interested in his pre~- sentations : My recommendation, however, would be of a general nature, because the particular locality or community might call for a specific type and height of basket. I would suggest that if at all possible you make your baskets adjust- able so that you could raise or lower them without a great deal of difficulty. It would be a rather simple thing to fix the backboards in this fashion, and I do not believe it would be very expensive. I would suggest, also, that you use the faen~shaped backboards. All the waste space has been taken off this new backboard, and the visibility for = spectators is much greater. If I can be of any further assistance, I trust peri wid weikbe mn neninn Sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Education and Recreation, | PCA: AH . Varsity Basketball and Basebali Coach. |