August 25, 1941. ire We. Je Ettinger, 307 West Kansas Ste, Independence, Moe Dear Mre Ettinger: Your very good letter of the 18th instant is hereby aclnowledgede I want to thank you for the very sonplinentary things that you have to says When you and Urs. Ettinger come to Lewrence some day to see Don won't you come up to the office and have a visit? I certainly must remember you as a boy in Independence but I camot place you at the moment. Mrs. Allen and I were See ee ee ra | em glad that Don had a chance to make a trip to Toronto. it is a great coumtry and I imow that he will enjoy it especially when he went with Dr. Frederick Lewis. I am glad that Don is in fine physical condition because I mow that he has a great pride in his body end he will be able to satisfy Ris Senlens fer greek pekereunenae Here &S She Untrererer SF his physical fitness is tip-top. I em very fond of Dom and I want him to realize his enbitions. With every good wish te you and yours, I am Very sincerely yours, Direotor of PhysealSéoation and Reventon PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.