i nae it” SPORTING; GOODS; EXGLUISI 1508-10 GRAND AVENUE PHONE GRAND 1911 KANSAS Crry, Mo. I pr. Forest C. Allen, University of Kmsas, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Phog: Your letter of April 30th, addressed to Taft Talbot was opened because Taft won't be back for about ten days and we open any mail that looks like it might be bus- iness mail addressed to hime Now,Phog, about that rain jacket, I wonder if it would be possible for you to mail it in marked for my atten- tion, as I just want to see how really poor this jacket WaSe If you will do that Phog, we will certainly be glad to replace it with a new jacket right from our stock but I do want to get the old one so I can send it in to the factory and get some kind of an adjustment out of theme If you don't want to bother about mailing it in, just wait until Taft Talbot comes up there and he will bring it back and in the meantime if you want a jacket and can't wait until Taft gets there which will be about a week or ten days just drop me a line and we wili mail you another one». With best wishes, “It Pays to Play”