Noveniber 21, 1939« aie dat wii St. Benedict's College, Atchison, Fansase Dear Dons Tt wae good to eve you saturday, ont 1 twas : thet your bey got along in nico shapes by tho way, 1 see vhere you won the tall games Congratulations’ I em sending you a carbon copy of the letter thet I heave written to Mr. F. W. Lang, of Porsyth, Georgia, so that you can see that i have taken care of in that matter. The Normelizer should arrive at i lees then o week's times i am also sending you a bill for Better sides” hank segue % eommmmerions ee ora ad Peters. I em sending the statement to the St. Benedict's ‘thletie Association, and ask that you oes the bill and send i% through for payment at your early canveniences, With all good wishes, I am i iy i Very sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical néuention and Recreation, FOAsAl Varsity Basketball Coache Ene « November 20, 1939. To « | Ste Benedict 's College Athletic tasootation, pens lenses - oe 1 copy of "Better Basletbal1" ‘Volume and Treatment Cr ern CEA Ch Oe «9 ow RD: (eh) Forrest Ce Alien Divestor of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coach, University of Kensas, Lawrence, Kansase UITH YIMOcey ur Marty Peters Rev. Michael Carroll, O. S. B. Director of Athletics Faculty Representative Don Elser James Tracy Assistant Coach ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT Senior Manager St. Benedict's College Atchison, Kansas Mr. Ferest Allen Yansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: I want to thank you again for what you have done for our boy Comp. Me surely has a lot of faith in you, and so have we. ‘We didn't use hin last week because of the mud, but he will be in there this week. I enjoyed the football game, but not the results. It was just one of those things. I hope that I Can work thet §.M.U. game that we talked about. I know that you will be satisfied with my work. I have confidence in it. ae I hope that some day I may be able to return all the favors that you have done for me, from the time of the relays a few years back until nowy. j I wish you all the success in the world for the coming season. I hope you win them all. Thenks again for everything. Sincerely yours, Yim Don Edser President PAUL’S. ENDACOTT, e’23 Phillips Petroleum Co. Bartlesville,Okla. Directors MARIA SLADE MAY, ‘16 Atchison T. J. STRICKLER, e’06 Scarritt Bldg. Kansas City, Mo. MYRA LITTLE REITZ, ‘32 156 N. Grove East Orange, N.J. WALTER G. THIELE, I’10 Supreme Court General Secretary and Editor Graduate Magazine . FRED ELLSWORTH, ‘22 Lawrence The University of Kansas Alumni Association HEADQUARTERS - ROOM 2 - FRANK STRONG HALL Vice-President MARLIN H. POINDEXTER, ‘09 702 Bitting Bldg. Wichita Directors JOHN E. BOYER, ‘28, |’30 WKH Building Wichita FRANK L. CARSON, ‘13 First National Bank Wichita DOLPH SIMONS, ‘25 Lawrence JOANNA GLEED WAGSTAFF, fa‘21 Lawrence Topeka Lawrence - Kansas CLARENCE L. BURT, e’09 BRUCE HURD, |’14 i Hutchinson Santa Fe Offices Topeka December 2, 1939 Dre F. Ge Allen 105 Robinson Campus Dear Phog: I have just been checking up and find that you don't get the Graduate Magazine. It occurred to me that we had better send you a copy of the November issue which carries the picture of the goal high Lame e An Herw Agena te Cori, We enclose in this letter the two gloss pictures and also a tear-sheet from the October magazine with the article about the Loomis contribution. Cordially, FE /mw 5 ene Active Membership, with Graduate Magazine Subscription, $3 Annually. Life Membership, $60 Single Payment or 10 Installments of $7.50. Marty Peters Rev. Michael Carroll, O. S. B. Director of Athletics Faculty Representative Don Elser James Tracy Assistant Coach ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT Senior Manager St. Benedict's College Atchison, Kansas Dec. 15, 1939 Mr. Forest Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor: I will be in Lawrence for the two games. Thank you a lot for the opportunity to work. I mailed the check for your book this morning. I read it and it certainly is a great book. I have it on the reference list, and the boys really are getting a lot of good out of it. Thanks again, and I will see you Monday. Sincerely yours, hon Elser President PAUL S. ENDACOTT, e’23 Phillips Petroleum Co. Bartlesville,Okla. Directors MARIA SLADE MAY, ‘16 Atchison T. J. STRICKLER, e’06 Scarritt Bldg. Kansas City, Mo. MYRA-EDTETEE: REITZ, “32 156 N. Grove East Orange, N.J. WALTER G. THIELE, I’10 Supreme Court Topeka BRUCE HURD, I’14 Santa Fe Offices Topeka General Secretary and Editor Graduate Magazine Vice-President FRED ELLSWORTH, ‘22 MARLIN H. POINDEXTER, ‘09 Lawrence eee Bldg. ichita fe : Direct The University of Kansas JOHN E BOvER 28.120 WKH Building Wichita bLuwmni 2 ° FRANK L. CARSON, ‘13 First National Bank Wichita HEADQUARTERS - ROOM 2 - FRANK STRONG HALL DOLPH SIMONS, ‘25 Lawrence JOANNA GLEED WAGSTAFF, fa’21 Lawrence Lawrence - Kansas CLARENCE L. BURT, e/09 Hutchinson December 27, 1949 Dr. F. C. Alien Robinson Gymnasium Campus Dear Phog: I send you a copy of the December Graduate Magazine and call your attention to several particular parts in which you may be interested: 1) Page li -= Dr. Naismith pictures and article. 2) Page 6 -= Sports, basketball. 3) Page 9 -= Your ow article about John Carlson for which we thank you. h) Page 14 - Picture of yourself, Bob, and Dr. Naismith. 5) Page 20 = Article, Don't Call it Ping Pong. Your Physical Education Department staff may all know this terminology but if they don't they may want to be informed. If there are any other items of interest in the magazine you are welcome to read them too. Cordially, far da. Desec oe FB/ah Secretary Active Membership, with Graduate Magazine Subscription, $3 Annually. Life Membership, $60 Single Payment or 10 Installments of $7.50. Decenber 23, 1939. Mirae Edythe P, idline, @218 Lou Dillon Avee, 1% ie with deop regret thet I learn of the ywssing of your hushand. I am sorry that we troubled The entire chapter of Phi Kappa Psi joins with me in extending sincerest aympatizxy to yous POAsAH Varsity Basketball Conche Jenuary 5, 1940. gH Director of Fhysical Sdueation and Recreati Very sinserely yours, Varsity Basketball Coache On, January 5, 1940 F : | ! ty, character and fitness for such a posi Marty Peters Rev. Michael Carroll, O. S. B. Director of Athletics Faculty Representative Don Elser James Tracy Assistant Coach ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT Senior Manager St. Benedict's College Atchison, Kansas Jan. 4, 1939 Mr. Forrest Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: I have a chance of getting a very good coaching position in Crown Potnt, Indiana. I would lite very much for you to send a recommendation for me. I know is would bear a lot of weicht, and I surely would aporeciate it. The address is: Mr. A. 2. binciey Crown Point High School Crown Point, Indiana My home town is 15 miles away, and I can a good salary. It is a three sport set up. Mere at St. Benedict's, one doesn't know what will hanven. Thanking you for anything that you may be able go do for me, and good luck for 1940 1 an, Sincerely yours, Da~ Don @tliser { THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS ] Physical Education Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas 609 ‘Raat Wishiveten St. Lebanon, Indiana fe ; —y . i L/ Af j ol ~ )A . FN es eT ~e fre joi Mo Jarw h nl ee i} Y iy paar ee : bot: : Te 7, bos + au7e y an-AA ro A - o KA tf ; Att. 2 Seer ee a ee OVrY lacte pee OE a oy eee 0 3 * TA By ee foe 7 4 CuUrarrt = Fe OF SHA February 9, 1940. Mire Joe Be Elliott, Jre, : Reoreation oo Ares 13, Thank you for your letter of February 5the I got the information that I sent you fran Dean Nesmith, who is our trainer here. He told me about lan Melullens ge ag, lew Samat tliat so that he may be fully informede I will be gind to ese you in Epooln on the 26th of February Thank you for your good wishese Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Eduention and Reereation, ROAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaches FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION OF NEBRASKA gc hre mana 413 Vest 26 Street, Kearney, Nebraska, February 5, 1940. Mr. Forrest Allen, Director of Physical Education, Kansas Univeristy, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mre Allen; Thank you for your prompt answer of my letter and for the information you were able to give me on Mre Ee Je Collins. I found out the day after I wrote you that he had been dismissed from Kearney State, so his chances for getting into our program are now nil. You mention in your letter about Mr. Collins being affiliated with Mr. Den Melfullen as an assistant. I am afraid this is another of Mr. Collins' gross exaggerations. Mre Collins has never worked under Mr. McMullen. Dan is now Director of Athletics at West Kearney High. Pre- vious to that he served two very successful years as Line Coach to "Pop" Klein at Kearney State. I thought it best that I set you right on this matter as it is hard to tell how far Mr. Collins has carried such a tale. I am anxiously awatiting your game with the Huskers. and perhaps the chance of interviewing you personally. Best of luck to you and your team in the remaining games on your schedule. Sincerely, oe B. Elliott, Jre, Recreation Supervisor, Area + 13, Nebraska. J BE/ge February 17, 1940. . ! poy Aol gly en afb ofp he Tooele as Tle Ge “Ole” Oleson is chairmen of the N.C.Asik. Basketball Tourmanent Committee, but he has asked me to hendle the tournament, and as local manager I heve made serengmmnts for 6 ball ent Go fortis The Fifth DMeteict Tourmment Committees is Dre ae ee and myself. I want to see you if it 4a at all possible on Tuesdaye ‘With Idndest personal. regards, I am Very sincerely yours, cn Direetor of Physical Rduestion end Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. Creighton University a iversi Univ ulsa Universi oo aa Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College Washburn College rinnell College St. Louis University Washington University ATHLETIC DIRECTORS’ ASSOCIATION of the MISSOURI VALLEY CONFERENCE Office of the Address EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Libre ra oo ouis, Missouri Feb.13,1940 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Pog, Will you be kind enovgh to send me the name of the chairman of N.C.A.A. Tournament? Our conferences coaches want to go on record as supporting it individually. Or shall I send this sort of notice to another individual? I am leaving it entirely for you to tell me. If you are going to be in Lawrence next Tuesday? I would like to talk with you about it. We are going through with a swimming team. With kind personal regards, db A. E.zilers Executive Secretary AER/VB ‘President General Secretary and Editor Graduate Magazine Vice-President PAUL S. ENDACOTT, e’23 i MARLIN H. POINDEXTER, ‘09 Phillips Petroleum Co. FRED ELLSWORTH, ‘22 702 Bitting Bldg. Bartlesville,Okla. Lawrence Wichita ~ Directors = e Directors ~ MARIA SLADE MAY, ‘16 The University of Kansas JOHN E. BOYER, ‘28, 1/30 Atchison hor a ‘i ichita bee bin he other menting sist te i6 nenring top fore again Oo _ Sar ag health and vivadity are conemeds | 3 : hb ins WELLL Sia. thee tnaleetBedl vase, tot un Ince bs idiic pultlle Ghats bn hc ee ek, The team maxbers are not largee We leave tonight for Lincoln where we battle the Huskers Saturday “Right, and then on to Anes to to play Town State Monday night. We are oS i. sis belies i Menhe, ices os en bcm, They heve been in.e very sovere slump, but they ive eo out of it during the last Missouri has five seniors, one oz whan is 6 fest 73, one al ae hen it is an interesting thing that ell of these tall boys are from out of the state of Missouri. ‘icon is. from El ee ee, a, oo ee Oe Gary, indiana 7 Tho tallest mn wo lave on our oqund is © foot 2}, John Kline. But anyhow, Goorge, it is just a basketball race, and when it is over miybe I con breathe a little easier than I can at males the contribution that hes the fraternity most at heart, but we do strike some of then who have the extra sheckels that is well and coods It was not even necessary for you to write a letter of exe planation. I lnow the obligetions and duties thet a young man has, ‘and I imow how heavy are your adninistretive dutiese Lots good luck to you George, end our love to your wifes Fraternally, oS Director of raysical Education end Recreation, FOAehH Varsity Pasketball Coach. UNIVERSITY OF NEWARK NEWARK, NEW JERSEY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION OFFICE OF THE DEAN February 15, 1940 Dre Forrest Ce. Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: In a letter which I received from Mother this week, she included a clipping from the Kansas City Star concerning your son Bobe The letter also mentioned the excellent record which Milton had with you several years back. It certainly must be a tremendous satisfaction for a father to read such splendid things about his sonse Across the top of the article Mother wrote this comment about Bobe “Such a splendid boy and en A student also." Mother mentioned in her letter that you had called at their home to give Dad a treatment in his recent difficulty. Apparently Mother thinks canned lobster was the cause of the upset as on the list of food to be avoided is that item. I guess I am truly my Father's son because I can't keep from eating things. that I know are not good for me to eate However, Mother told me that Dad was feeling much better again which, of course, makes me very happye Being so far from Lawrence, I naturally worry when he is not feeling welle Through the Journal World I have been following the success of your team, and naturally I am most hopeful thet you win all the remaining games. Recently I ‘saw an article in one of our papers concerning you and intended to clip it out, but I must admit that I was negligent. Our owm basketball team does rather well when it stays within the limits of the North Jersey Intercollegiate League, but when we poke our necks out with New York University and Long Islend Univer- sity, we are considerably out of our class. This results in our being roundly beatene However, our coach is a man in whom we have great confidences I like his attitude, particularly concerning scholastic eligibility which somewhat parallels yourse He feels that first of all his athletes must be good students, and secondly they must be good basketball playerse Somewhat following your line of thinking in asking for C averages from your players, he encourages any of his men who are having difficulty with their studies to ease up on basket- ball until their grades are in line. Of course, he is in an ideal spot because there is absolutely no pressure from alunmi, students, or administration for him to win most of his games. Well, this has turned out to be a rather long letter rather than a short one. Before I close, I want to say how sorry I was that I wasn't able to make a contribution to the Phi Psi Christmas fund, but you can well wnderstand that Dre Forrest Ce Allen Page 2 February 13, 1940 if I am able to make any donations I should make them heres This does not mean lack of interest in Kansas Alpha but merely indicates the rather continued demands here coupled with the problems associated with academic salariese I have been asked to serve as chairman of a North Jersey group +o round up alumi to attend the Phi Psi GAC. at Spring Lake this June, and I hope that I can have a good number on hande Therefore, if I can't make contributions in funds, I will attempt to do so in servicese Frankly, it is only in the last year or two thet I have received much correspondence or information concerning the Phi Psi Fraternity, but I find that my interest has not suffered because of the dirth of informatione Well, I guess that this is all for this time. Best of wishes to you and your familye Sincerely yours, GRE sEH UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION February 14, 1940.6 Mre “Swede" Everly, Dodge City, Kansase Dear “Swede: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of January 20 in which you name Advanced Basketball as your choice for the Sumer Session. This seems to be the course favored by most of the individuals who have replied, and I am of the opinion that it will be offerede With best wishes, I am Very sinceyely yours, Dir Of Physical Educati FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coache and Recreation,