Noveniber 21, 1939« aie dat wii St. Benedict's College, Atchison, Fansase Dear Dons Tt wae good to eve you saturday, ont 1 twas : thet your bey got along in nico shapes by tho way, 1 see vhere you won the tall games Congratulations’ I em sending you a carbon copy of the letter thet I heave written to Mr. F. W. Lang, of Porsyth, Georgia, so that you can see that i have taken care of in that matter. The Normelizer should arrive at i lees then o week's times i am also sending you a bill for Better sides” hank segue % eommmmerions ee ora ad Peters. I em sending the statement to the St. Benedict's ‘thletie Association, and ask that you oes the bill and send i% through for payment at your early canveniences, With all good wishes, I am i iy i Very sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical néuention and Recreation, FOAsAl Varsity Basketball Coache Ene «