President PAUL’S. ENDACOTT, e’23 Phillips Petroleum Co. Bartlesville,Okla. Directors MARIA SLADE MAY, ‘16 Atchison T. J. STRICKLER, e’06 Scarritt Bldg. Kansas City, Mo. MYRA LITTLE REITZ, ‘32 156 N. Grove East Orange, N.J. WALTER G. THIELE, I’10 Supreme Court General Secretary and Editor Graduate Magazine . FRED ELLSWORTH, ‘22 Lawrence The University of Kansas Alumni Association HEADQUARTERS - ROOM 2 - FRANK STRONG HALL Vice-President MARLIN H. POINDEXTER, ‘09 702 Bitting Bldg. Wichita Directors JOHN E. BOYER, ‘28, |’30 WKH Building Wichita FRANK L. CARSON, ‘13 First National Bank Wichita DOLPH SIMONS, ‘25 Lawrence JOANNA GLEED WAGSTAFF, fa‘21 Lawrence Topeka Lawrence - Kansas CLARENCE L. BURT, e’09 BRUCE HURD, |’14 i Hutchinson Santa Fe Offices Topeka December 2, 1939 Dre F. Ge Allen 105 Robinson Campus Dear Phog: I have just been checking up and find that you don't get the Graduate Magazine. It occurred to me that we had better send you a copy of the November issue which carries the picture of the goal high Lame e An Herw Agena te Cori, We enclose in this letter the two gloss pictures and also a tear-sheet from the October magazine with the article about the Loomis contribution. Cordially, FE /mw 5 ene Active Membership, with Graduate Magazine Subscription, $3 Annually. Life Membership, $60 Single Payment or 10 Installments of $7.50.