FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION OF NEBRASKA D. F. FELTON 413 West 26th Street ADMINISTRATOR Kearney, Nebraska February 1, 1940 Mr. Phog Allen Head Basketball Coach Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas | Dear Sir: In way of introduction, I am connected with the Recreational Division of the Works Projects Administration here in Nebraska. I have an area consisting of six counties in central Nebraskae At the present time I am conducting a boys basketball project consisting of some z00 boys in 20 towns in my area. Through the medium of textbooks, I am a loyal student of yours and adhere to your philosophy of starting boys young in America's greatest gamee Naturally I must have men of highest standards to assist me in such a project. I have on file and have interviewed a young fellow claiming to have played under your coaching, Mre Ee Je Collins. A high recommendation from you for this man would get him the job but my impression from the interview with Mr. Collins was that he was not as intimate with you as he would make people believe. Did this man at any time play under your coaching and could you give me some idea of his moral habits, etc., if and when he played at Kansas University? I realize this is a busy part of the year for you and hope that an answer to my inquiries will not inconvenience you too much. I hope to see your team in action against the Cornhuskers in the near future. NR Ce yours, Chow i C l Joe Be Elliott, Je Area Supervisor, Recreation Area #13, Nebraska ) / JBE:ms — “a ae ~~ Eg sgt ~ Ny prin, geen fo on saieeeametenemace ; . fi > fe ; —y . i L/ Af j ol ~ )A . FN es eT ~e fre joi Mo Jarw h nl ee i} Y iy paar ee : bot: : Te 7, bos + au7e y an-AA ro A - o KA tf ; Att. 2 Seer ee a ee OVrY lacte pee OE a oy eee 0 3 * TA By ee foe 7 4 CuUrarrt = Fe OF SHA