FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION OF NEBRASKA gc hre mana 413 Vest 26 Street, Kearney, Nebraska, February 5, 1940. Mr. Forrest Allen, Director of Physical Education, Kansas Univeristy, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mre Allen; Thank you for your prompt answer of my letter and for the information you were able to give me on Mre Ee Je Collins. I found out the day after I wrote you that he had been dismissed from Kearney State, so his chances for getting into our program are now nil. You mention in your letter about Mr. Collins being affiliated with Mr. Den Melfullen as an assistant. I am afraid this is another of Mr. Collins' gross exaggerations. Mre Collins has never worked under Mr. McMullen. Dan is now Director of Athletics at West Kearney High. Pre- vious to that he served two very successful years as Line Coach to "Pop" Klein at Kearney State. I thought it best that I set you right on this matter as it is hard to tell how far Mr. Collins has carried such a tale. I am anxiously awatiting your game with the Huskers. and perhaps the chance of interviewing you personally. Best of luck to you and your team in the remaining games on your schedule. Sincerely, oe B. Elliott, Jre, Recreation Supervisor, Area + 13, Nebraska. J BE/ge