UNIVERSITY OF NEWARK NEWARK, NEW JERSEY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION OFFICE OF THE DEAN February 15, 1940 Dre Forrest Ce. Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: In a letter which I received from Mother this week, she included a clipping from the Kansas City Star concerning your son Bobe The letter also mentioned the excellent record which Milton had with you several years back. It certainly must be a tremendous satisfaction for a father to read such splendid things about his sonse Across the top of the article Mother wrote this comment about Bobe “Such a splendid boy and en A student also." Mother mentioned in her letter that you had called at their home to give Dad a treatment in his recent difficulty. Apparently Mother thinks canned lobster was the cause of the upset as on the list of food to be avoided is that item. I guess I am truly my Father's son because I can't keep from eating things. that I know are not good for me to eate However, Mother told me that Dad was feeling much better again which, of course, makes me very happye Being so far from Lawrence, I naturally worry when he is not feeling welle Through the Journal World I have been following the success of your team, and naturally I am most hopeful thet you win all the remaining games. Recently I ‘saw an article in one of our papers concerning you and intended to clip it out, but I must admit that I was negligent. Our owm basketball team does rather well when it stays within the limits of the North Jersey Intercollegiate League, but when we poke our necks out with New York University and Long Islend Univer- sity, we are considerably out of our class. This results in our being roundly beatene However, our coach is a man in whom we have great confidences I like his attitude, particularly concerning scholastic eligibility which somewhat parallels yourse He feels that first of all his athletes must be good students, and secondly they must be good basketball playerse Somewhat following your line of thinking in asking for C averages from your players, he encourages any of his men who are having difficulty with their studies to ease up on basket- ball until their grades are in line. Of course, he is in an ideal spot because there is absolutely no pressure from alunmi, students, or administration for him to win most of his games. Well, this has turned out to be a rather long letter rather than a short one. Before I close, I want to say how sorry I was that I wasn't able to make a contribution to the Phi Psi Christmas fund, but you can well wnderstand that