COMPARISONS OF CERTIFIED FINANCIAL REPORTS OF THE TWO KANSAS-MISSOURI BASKETBALL GAMES PLAYED IN 1939 Ss we SS Se lOO Ol I, COMPLIMENTARY TICKET STATEMENTS Janets March 2 — Issued ta Lawrence Columbia Regents 9 0 President or Chancellor o Q Governor Z 0 Other State Officials 270 62 ee sane 28 oo. Coaching Staff 34 ei Varsity Lettermen 155 82 Varsity BB Squad 48 20 Freshman BB Squad 50 0 Press (reserved) ee Q i Working press _ 12 : 5 liiscellaneous oO”? 8 Yearly Q 157 TOTAL 657 066 Band members, ushers, ticket takerg, ticket sellers, guards, and necessary workmen are not included in either complimentary or paid admissions reportse Il GENERAL SUMMARY Lawrence Columbia Total paid attendance «=<-«-+- 56,0dle-<- <= 4,630 Complimentaries issued - - - == 657 e---++ 366 Percent free tickets oom. «+ 21,68 ----- 76% Visitors! share of receipts - = $384.47 = = - - $685.64 ‘pe ee 5s. _— oe dos Foc ome omg pO eee.