September 26, 1958 striae Ven Bursar, Kansas State Teashers College, Baporia, Kansase Dear lire Cremer: In reply to your kind favor of the 23rd instant am eicy iene bn ghee gen We Sees ye nk uemtening: the ee I might say that this board is a corpor= | ation, mow as “The Univers! ty of Kansas Physical Education Corporation”. This naturally causes it to assume certain responsibilities that your E board will not be called upon to assumes ‘We have eight faculty members here on the board. These faculty manbers are nominated by the University Senate and elected to membership by the corporation. We have four alumi members who are student members, one the president of the Yen's Student Council, and the other an athlete at large, are both nominated by the student body and are elected by the board. There is quite a careful procedure about wn Por a mmber of years we had what is mom as sine anbihciinis sliianiiiioen, but when the University of Kansas Physical Education Corporation was formed in 1925 the old Athletic Board was into the new corporations At that time the Chancellor ws president of the Athletic Board, end Dr. Naismith, of the Department of Physical Biucation, and I as Mirector of the Division of Physical Educ» ation and Athletics, were also members of the Boards The Board of Regents at their meeting on Jemary 2, 1987, specified that no member of the cosehing staff or the Physical Edueation Department could be a member of the Board, and the Chancellor wes also mide an ex-officio menber of the Board. The chairmen was - selected from the corporate members. rete Te We ke Se eee He chairman of the Board. — + sta end Oil Uk eid aed en ee Nie A ew saeete ane Manet As Sie 6 "HT Ho is my opinion that the program regarding your rommtion of the now athlotio vant Se quite wortaile, md doubles Jo will like it very much. There is one thing te ne rome grog puts a terrific strain on the chairman of the board. If you an old, areas ee eS ee ee ee ae aoe ee oe bear the burden of such a responsibility, then well and goods But too