Ostover 5, 1937» 75 ab Set ep ¢/o ouipany Dear Buren: ‘ This fail I was in need of a little pin money after a very herd mer, I wrote your ol¢ coach, tir, Ciyde idttlefield, and asked him to give me your address, as I desired to see if you could not help me out a littic on the porsonal lean that i meade you when you were a fresh= man er sophomore et the University of Kensas, this was from my own personal bank account, and not done doan fund. As you will remember, I gave you @ per eheeck. Buren, ou could send me e couple of dollors, or five, any way, I would appreciate it. I never had any idea of charging you interest, but I would Greatly appreciate & small payment on the principal, ' You are with a great outfit, the Humble 011 Company. i heard their broadcast the other night on the Texas« asouisians State game, Texas had tough luck. You have got &@ wonderful coach in Dene Bible, anf I am sure that fexas will be on the way before iong, And incidentally, pay have got one of the finost track cosches in America n Clyde Littlefield. I know it must have been a great pleasure for you to have worked with him down at Austin, With every good wish, I am Sincerely yours, FCAsAR ‘Director of Physical Education.