September 25, 1957. lire Clyde Lattleficla rots gg eet University of Texes, fasting, Texas, Dear Clyde: | EZ &felike to bother you regaréing this situation, but Z will appreciate any cooperation you een V6 06. Ween Buren Edwards, a boy from your Texas country, was sent up here by either Kiwanis, Rotary or sane classification club, they paid his tuition. Some of the club members whote mc and told me what a fine track en@ basketball atar the — voy was. i | Bonie time along the year when the boy necded some money end there was no fund here to lean him, be same to me, He borrowed 935,00, Tf loaned 16 to him from my own personel account, Ue. vowed, of course, that he pey me, and I know he wiil. I am wondering where Suren is. | : Would ask tho alwami office there to give mo his address? I assure you I wili not eme barrass him, but I do belfiewe he will want to pay his dill. Sance I am no banker I want no interest, but would like to have the printipai, i will @ppreciate your cooperation. : Please belicve me when I wigh you the very best in this life, = : With every good wish, I an Sincerely yours, | \ PCA: AH _ Direetor of Physical Education |