Poa aa, : a me Creighton University : Tulsa Wanvenaiy - Drake University Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College Washburn College oa Grinnell College St. Louis University Washington University — 2 ATHLETIC DIRECTORS’ ASSOCIATION of the MISSOURI VALLEY CONFERENCE Address Office of the Washington University EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Saint Louis, Missouri september 26, 1938 S- Forrest C. Allen Sasketball Coach ss CA RS University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog";- An impression I got at the time of the interpretation meet- ing in Kansas City, September 3, was that the Big 6 Conference is planning on appointing a Commissioner of Officials. It goes without saying that I would like to be considered in that capacity. if there is anything that you could do to help me, I surely would appreciate it. As far back as 1924, the assignment of officials was made from this office, as you will remember; and then, too, there were ten institutions in the Conference. In view of the fact that I have been doing “his for a number of years, I feel confident that an arrangement whereby one man making the assignments for both Conferences would work out most advantageously. I don't believe there would be any criticism due to my being connected with | Washington University and identified with the Missouri Valley Conference. For your information, I made the assignments for the Missouri Sehool of Mines this year. Had a chance to talk to Dr. Ewerhardt the other day after the Doctor had returned: from the NCAA executive meeting in Chicago. The basketball situation was talked of at great length with the feeling that it may be possible that a chamnionship in basketball be worked out at the end of the present season, just as we de- termine the champion in track and swimming. To this end ther was a committee apnointed--one from each district. if I remember correctly, he told me that you were appointed from this district. In fact, there are three coaches and five athletic directors to make up the committee, and you were one of Yhe coaches selected. Thoursht you would be interested in setting this information. ‘ a ae 3 With kind personal regards Executive Secretary