dg Atlin Scheckek ont Beeguntens pages 376-877, I have very en ee ee An aluminum hinged brace, which you cen get at most sporting goods houses like Lowe and Campbell, is about as good a brace that I Imow aboute ‘There is also an elastic mee bandage ‘that can be put on over the tape which gives a snug support, probably better than any other device. Or you can use an Ace teniage over the adhesive tapes i oe ae ee the elastic mee bandage. . I have been able to trent these Inces for muy bays her is any way that your boy could come up here 2 would hime Personally, I doubt the floating cartilage diagnosis, because if it were that when he would run it would float from its re as S te acta ine Sue. toma ioe ss cer sla ecusica! Wl 4 pal ta sme’ ws as ee | Dhrootar of Payetont Binatton FCAsAH 7 7 | Varsity Basketball Coache