Sparta, Georgia 11-24-38 r. Forrest CG. Allen University of Kenses Lewrence, Kansas. My deer Dr. Allen: eas Could you give me some information concerning the .. \ possibility for a boy to get a job for his room end boerd et Lewrence while attending the university. There is e boy et Aibson, Georgia named Joe Fordhem, who is interested in the opportunity for working his wey thru cOllege. The.» reeson I em writing you insteed of the regular employment office is thet this boy is a besketball vclayer, end I t+hot thet you would take more ef an inter- est in him. Me pleyed on ea teem from a smell town thet went to the finals. in the stete torunement, end lost there bg only & few points. - Ye lives in one of the counties in which I em working and cmes well re- commended by his former coach, by his superintendent end teachers end. by. thes townsyeovle in generel. Knowing thet IT hed ettended K.l., end knotting Riu. 6 fine record in besketbell, the coach asked me if I ‘ould write this letter to you, which I heve been gled to do. If you cen be of eny help to the boy, will you kindly write me, or to Joe Fordhem, Gibson, Georgie. Thenking you,I remain 4 Sincerely yours i Paul 2. Enstg