September 30, A988. ‘I asked Taft Talbot for your address and he gave it ts dk. ne < aa setts ee concerning the manufacturing of other things besides a "Phos" Allen basketball. This Kelly kmee pad made'by Iilton Kelly dom at Austin, Texas, was made here in our athletic treating room and the Imee pad was designed by mée Kelly was my trainer here for @ mumber of years, and I had him make it for me because it was light. After he hed mde some for me he said, “I wonder if you would care if I made them in my name", and i said, "No, go ahead." Rach winter Kelly had flu and would be down in bed . for a month at a time. At that time Theo Belmont was Mrector of Athletics at Tems. I was attending the Texas Relays and asked Belmont if he wanted a first class trainers ie said he — ee rs eee Be He needed to get to a warmer climate. | tink Ao dee G0 + el ek i i ee Kelly*s thunder, but I know I can desi a lmee pad tha are wearing in those pictures in tho books They are wearing some very worth while appliences and put then on the market just as the need indicated. I thought this might be an additional matter that you could discuss with your bess at an appropriate timee I really believe that some of these features would be of reciprocal benefit both to your firm and to mes :