C.W. SCUDDER, CHAIRMAN OF THE BoARD Rawrinecs MANUFACTURING Co. SS Za Sy EQUIPMENT W. E. BISCHOFF, V. PRES. o> P.C.WEHNER, SEcy. &TREAS. MASON SCUDDER, PRES. ATH LETIC W.P.WHITLEY,V. PRES. LUCAS AVE. AT: TWENTY =ERERD gan 14, 1939. Dr. Forrest Cc. Allen, Athletic Dept. Kansas University, Lawrence, Kans. Dear Doctor:- Under seperate cover via parcel post am returning the book Better Basketball, which you so kindly loaned to our Mr. Elliott and which I took the liberty of reading. It is very interesting indeed and we will be glad to recommend it. Yours sincerely, ~ Vice Pres. WEB=B e