ee Mr, Henry lias, Superintendent,” Beeler, Kanese, “ _. Answering your commmuicetion of September 2 beg to state that I can see no danger in starting heasket-. — _ ball practice very early in the year, especiaily when there. ds no football participated in by your high school, si a ee i would suggest that ro serimmage be indulged -in_tor at least two or three weeks after you start, and further that fundamentals both iv individual offense and — individual defense be given the most attention. The tean — offense and teau defense is a build-up after the fundament- els on the individual work is taken care of, eee a 4 would also suggest the necessity ef impressing the boys with instruction on personal hygiene and diet. I: find thet by interesting the boys in their @iet thet they be- _ Some greatly interested in themselves ené that they will - have’ Yauch claener existence which, after all, is the purpese of thelr early physical sctivity. i See i would say that two weeks after 1 starts would be « good time to start basketball practice, but it would be & month after school starts before I would do much _.. ou wiil finé that efter scrimmage startg it is very difficult to keep the boys eet on fundamental, end evan after scrimnage docs start I would never devote more then 15 minutes a day to serlamage work, ‘he boy reverts to a his fuadanentals during the periods of excitation. Therefore, Sp ts Sate fe Se gts hg _ pound thes well in fundamentals ané they will make fewer mis= tekes in SCriMMAS» aa = is ps - I trust this anewers your question. 3 a Very cordial ] ty yours, || BAyector of Physical Education. _ (Cn ee ere}