PAUL ENDACOTT ASSISTANT TO THE EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT February 7 9 1938, E-45-38 Dr. F. C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doe: I am so proud of my author's copy of “Better Basketball” that I hardly know how to start out thanking you for your thoughtfulness in remembering me. To say the least, it is a masterpiece and undoubtedly will go down in history, along with "My Basketball Bible", as being the original authentic thesis on the subject of basketball for the reference of future generations. It is quite generous of you to again include in your book tales about some of us old-timers, whose exploits in comparison to the performance of youngsters of today, in my opinion, were very feeble demonstrations, May I congratulate you and the boys on their performance in conference this year and particularly in your recent victory over Nebraska. With best personel regards, I remain Sincerely yours,