&. The tests used were: @e Eight tests of specific ability in basketball skill - Speed Pass Dribble Accuracy Pass Dribble and Shoot Accuracy Shooting Ball Handling Pivet and Shoot | Opposition shot Deseription of tests ean be found at end of article. b. Four tests of general athletic ability Agility Speed Endurance Coordination Ge Brace Motor Ability Tests of Neuro-Musculer Co-ordination. 3. The method: The basketball, general ability, and Brace tests were given to the Experimetal Group at the beginning of the quarter, and the basketball tests were given to the Control group at the same time. After two months of instruction, of forty minutes per day, in basketball fundamentals and two weeks of actual play, the experimental group was again tested, to determine whether or not any progress had been made in motor skill. At this same time the control group was again tested to see whether or not there had been any progress in this group who had not been instructed. This group wes used pRimarily in the basketball test to determine the validity of this particular test. The raw scores of each test have been reduced to Tf - seale scores, to make all scores comparable and to prop- erly place each student in relation to other students. At the conclusion of the period of instruction, the experimental group was scored and rated on their actual play~ ing ability as indicated in their performance in organized teams. These data were recorded by student coaches and scorers who watched particular men at play. | : The Brace Motor Ability Tests were also given to the experimental group to allow a comparison of three types of tests and to determine whether or not one test had a greater degree of predictability than either of the other tests. A definite technique of instruction and drills were used during the training period. Twenty different correlations have been made using the Otis Correlation Method. Sixteen of _ these are the individual and total baskĀ®tball and general abil-~ ity tests which were correlated with the actual playing ability seore to determine the reliability of the test. The other four correlations were made between the general ability, basket- ball ability, and Brace Motor Ability tests. RESULTS: 1. The mean T+Score of the Basketball Tests of the Experimental group is: pre-test, 45.5 and final test, 54.1; while in the Control group the pre-test is 50.1 and final test, 50.5. The average