le Re Se PING PONG Accuracy Test } NY Bounce tall in last six inohes of table and hit at target which is placed against the net. Hjt 5 balls at the target placed at the heighth of the net--target is 6" high and 12" wide. Score 3, 2, or 1 from ipgece rectangle oute | Score total in five tries. i Bi oe | [S ptp 406" jen Pe | 1 point Speed Test Back table up against wall, remove the net and play the ball from bounce at a position full length of table from the wall. Score number of successful returns in 15 seconds. On any unsuccessful returns, secure ball and continue play. Time continues. Score total hits against the wall. Serve Test Hit ball from behind table into service area diagonally across the net. Score according to rectangle in which the ball hits. Record the total score of 5 different sttempts. ‘Score 3 points for small recte, 2 points for middig, recte, and 1 point for outer rect. . . _ de" od Z pts. ¥"| 6" 12" eS = vas lh} Pca ee ee 1 point I lob Test Ball is thrown from far end of the table and testee hits the ball on the first bounce below the level of the table. Target is placed across net on far end of the table. Target 30" by 30" outer square. Score 3, 2, or 1 point, according to square in which ball hits. Score total points in five attempts. 308 20" 10" a fae ae eee 3 points10#20%30" | a 2 points on 1 point